Chapter 34: Son vs. Father

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The king slowly stood up from his throne and walked down the small steps leading to the floor you were kneeling on. The blood squished beneath his boots and stuck to the bottom. Your dress had blood covering its base, and it felt sticky. You could smell iron, and it made you want to throw up. The king walked toward Mariella and raised his sword. Without any way to escape the guards, Mariella's chin was turned upward, with the tip touching the bottom of her chin.

   " My, my, when did you get out of your room? "

   " . . . "

   " Not speaking to me? I see. Well, there is no need to speak, your fate will be the same as everyone else's. But I do want one question answered. "

The king lowered his sword from her chin to her belly. The iron of the blade didn't touch her belly but only pointed at it.

   " There is a baby inside you? Isn't there? "

   " . . . "

   " Still not speaking? That's fine. I already know the answer, of course, I saw how your mother's stomach grew when she was pregnant with you and your brother. "

The king started to chuckle, but his sword moved upward to rest on his shoulder. 

   " It seems the whore has finally had her fill. "

Mariella continued to stay silent, with her back straight and her head tilted down, not looking at her father. Mariella's mind was going crazy, but she knew she still had to take his insults. If she responded, he would only know that what he said had affected her. You, however, had your heart beating a million miles an hour, and your prayers were finished.

   " Well, with no response. Let's go ahead and finish this so I can kill everyone else. "

The king put his sword in both hands and raised it above his head. But while he swung downward, you screamed.

   " Stop! Don't hurt her! "

The blade was close, but it didn't contact Mariella's skin. The king looked up at you and felt his crazed smile grow wider. He let his sword hang in one of his hands while his other hand gestured to the guards. They brought you forward, dragging your body on the bloody floor. You now kneeled in front of Mariella, staring at your back.

   " I remember you. You stood up for that other maid. You like protecting people, don't you? "

   " Yes. " You said without hesitation. 

   " Oh, how noble of you. you know there are only five out of a million people that will do what you just did. In stressful situations, they think of others instead of themselves. You're a rare breed. "

   " I'm not an animal. "

The king's smile faded, and he raised his leg, kicking your head upward. Your bottom teeth connected to your top set of teeth, and you felt blood in your mouth.

   " You're right. You're nothing. It's those five out of a million that I hate the most. They think they can play life like a game, and protect others, until they realize that life isn't a game to play, and you're going to die for standing up for others. Tell me are you regretting it? "

   " No. I never will. " You said, looking up at making eye contact with the king.

Your action and words pissed the king off more than he already was. He raised his sword above his head, preparing to have it swing down and decapitate you.

   " We will see about that, when I look into your eyes, as I kill you! "

You closed your eyes, seeing the sword swing down quickly. You heard Mariella shout behind you, but you knew the king would kill you. You closed your eyes tightly, but the sound of metal hitting metal made you open your eyes.

   " I will not let you hurt them! "

Quinn stood in front of you, with his sword pressed against his fathers. Blood splattered from his father's sword onto his face and clothes, but he kept his footing balanced. He glared at his father, feeling rage climb through his body. Quinn pushed his sword up and forced his father's sword off his. The king stumbled a little but found his balance and faced his son.

   " Ah, Quinn. So lovely of you to finally join us. "

   " What is going on here? Why are you killing all of these people? "

   " Because they're all part of the rebellion. One way or another, they are. "

   " These are innocent people! None of them had a part in the rebellion. "

   " So, you say. But there is one thing that I know for one hundred percent certainty. . . You're part of the rebellion, aren't you, son? "

   " Yeah, I am. I can't hide it anymore can I? "

   " I'm afraid not. I've already killed that Quintin Trembley, and now it seems I must kill everyone left in this room. Only then will everything be right. "

   " You've gone insane. "

   " Perhaps, but oh well. "

The king swung his sword down, but Quinn blocked the blade again. While Quinn continued to fight his father, you struggled out of the guard's grip. The guards kept your hands tightly clasped between theirs, but one of them collapsed to the ground, letting your hands go. The guard on your other side also fell to the ground. You turned to help Mariella, but your arms picked you up. The face of your savor made you smile as he smiled at you.

   " Jin! " 

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