Chapter 23: The Princesses Have Arrived

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You stood in the great hall, where the king would sit on his throne. You were standing with the other maids as the butlers stood on the opposite wall. The doors into the palace were closed, but you knew that princesses were behind the front door. You didn't fancy meeting them and instead wished to go to your room. At the end of the line, two butlers walked to the doors and held the handles. The royal advisor, Quintin Tremblay, stepped in front of them and prepared himself to meet the royal ladies.

   " Open, the doors gentlemen. "

The butlers pulled the doors open, and there, stood in the doorway, were five princesses. Each one different from the other. They all had smiles and tried to rush inside, but Quintin held his hand up, and they were stopped.

   " Ladies, I am Quintin Tremblay, but you may call me Mr. Tremblay. I am the royal advisor, and I welcome you to the palace of the Madrathia Empire. Please follow me inside. "

He turned sharply and started walking into the main hall with the princesses behind him. They looked around curiously at everything they had their eyes on, but they all desired the same thing; to be queen. Quintin stopped before the throne and turned to the princesses again.

   " Please wait here. "

Quintin walked past the thrones and disappeared. The ladies in the middle of the room looked around, and one wandered a little too close to the butlers. But it didn't take her long to step back into the group when Quintin came back in. He stood by the king's throne and coughed into his hand, ready to announce the royals coming into the room.

   " I would like to present to you, your highness King Francis Harding. "

The king walked in, and when he got in, he took his seat on the throne, staring at the ladies. Then, he silently judged them by looking at how they dressed, how they stood, and how they were presented.

   " Princess Mariella Harding. "

Mariella walked into the room, looking bored. Mariella stood next to her mother's empty throne and analyzed the girls from top to bottom. Some wanted to step back, while others wanted to step forward and smack the look off her face.

   " Finally, the man of the hour. Prince Quinn Harding. "

Quinn walked into the room with his hands entangled behind his back. He slowly walked into the throne room, no doubt intimidating the girls. His eyes glanced over all of them before landing on your form. You raised your hand lightly and waved, making him smile a little. Then, he glanced at his father and stood before all the thrones. HIs small smile faded, and he looked serious.

He wore his father's colors only to please the man. He bowed in front of the women and stood straight. Quintin left the room and walked along the halls to get to his office. Quinn took a single breath before speaking a word.

   " Welcome to Madrathia. It a pleasure to welcome you ladies who have come from far lands and empires. We welcome you here with open arms. "

Even while his voice kept a tone of elegance and grace, his eyes showed disinterest in the women. The princesses didn't step away from him but took another step forward.

   " Allow me to explain how this month will go. At the beginning of the week, I will select one lady to spend my week with. I choose which princess it shall be but you all will get one turn. This will take place for five weeks. One week for each of you. Starting next week we will have the first princess chosen and I will dedicate my week to her. The others are welcome to stay here and roam around the palace but I must ask that you do not interrupt my time with the lady of the week. At the end of the five weeks, I will take a week to myself and decide who shall be my bride. Do you understand? "

They all bowed and curtsied to the prince and nodded their heads. You stood on the sidelines, hating the idea, but you went along with it.

   " Thank you, now please introduce yourselves immediately so the staff may know who you are. "

The first princess to step up was short; she had auburn hair that waved down to her bottom. Her dress was a light blue, and it had frills upon thrills. She had makeup on her face, but it wasn't heavy enough to hurt her. Her skin was fair, and her blue eyes shone with joy.

   " My name is Larissa Bell, I come from the Godfrey Kingdom. "

She was so cheerful it made you feel depressed. Her aura gave off such joy and happiness that it reflected sadness in your life due to her bright smile.

   " Thank you, Lady Bell. Next. "

The next woman to step up had chocolate skin, and her dress was red. Her hair was black and tied in a braid wrapped around a bun. There were small white ruffles on the end of her sleeves. As she stepped forward, you felt a little intimidated by her presence. She wasn't mean or showed any evil intentions; she was just the definition of grace and class.

   " My name is Lorraine Chevalier from the Chevalier Empire. It is a pleasure to be in your presence. "

   " You as well. "

Lorraine stepped back, and another woman stepped forward; she seemed nervous and shy. Her hands were shaking a little in front of her, and she raised her head to greet the prince. She had brown hair tied in a braid with bright blue eyes. Her dress was dark blue, and it complimented her looks.

   " I-I am Angeline Dupond. I was sent from the Dupon Kingdom. "

Angelina quickly stepped back in line without letting the prince greet her. Quinn didn't seem to mind but looked at the next girl. This one was completely different than the other. Her dress was cut low on her chest and looked like a dress ready for a ball, with the rose-red color. The woman had almond skin with a mole by her left eye. She seemed confident in her walk but accentuated her hips when she moved.

   " I am Hadrienna Rose from Hadria. It's such an honor to be in your home. "

You looked up at the prince, but Mariella caught your eyes. She didn't seem interested in any of these women.

   " It's a pleasure. "

   " If I am allowed I would like to have a meeting alone with you later. " Hadrienna said, stepping forward.

   " No, you are not allowed. I won't see any of you until the first week starts. "

Hadrienna stepped back in line, and the final woman stepped forward. Her hair was blonde, and she had pale skin, but her green eyes were bright.

   " I come from Gallatin and my name is Odile Merle. "

   " Welcome. My butlers will escort you all to your rooms, if there is anything you need please let one of the staff know and they will provide it. I will see you all next week. "

Quinn turned to leave the room with quick strides, and once he left, the ladies started talking and gossiping with each other. The only one who didn't was Lorriane, who stood tall as a butler approached her. She had your respect already.

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