Chapter 21: Love and Concern

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  " So, Genevive is due to wake up in a few days? "

   " We're not sure. We think she'll be able to wake up in a few days but we can't tell exactly when. We think it will be in a couple of days, though. "

   " That's great. Thank you, doctor. "

   " Have a good day Ms. Y/n. "

The doctor left you alone in the infirmary. You sat down beside Genevive and took her hand in yours. Ray's death was one week ago, and the funeral was yesterday. At the funeral, you cried with everyone else. Quinn couldn't stand beside you at the funeral, but you understood why. The king looked dismissed; he didn't look happy, angry, or distressed. Since you did not visit Genevive that day, you decided to visit her today and received great news. 

   " Genevive. . .I hope you can wake up sooner. Things have gotten crazy and, I miss talking with you. There isn't anyone I can talk to except for Quinn, but I hate disturbing his work. I won't even get to see him today, due to his father being locked inside of his room. He is no doubt judging his actions for knowing Ray over the balcony. "

You squeezed her hand before letting go. You said goodbye to Genevive and left the infirmary. You walked into the kitchen to eat lunch before getting straight into work. Some strawberries, cheeses, and crackers were left from making a small picnic lunch for the princess and her brother. They were going to travel outside the palace to have lunch, and they were ordered by the princess. You snacked on the extra pieces with other maids coming into the room to take their break. You told them the exciting news, and they smiled wide grins. Genevive was clumsy, but she always made sure everyone had a smile on their face. So, everyone was excited that Genevive would be awake soon. You glanced outside at the white-covered ground and wondered how Quinn was fairing in the cold.

Quinn was walking in the snow with his sister. Mariella wanted to have lunch with her brother where no one could hear them, even if it meant eating outside in the snow. Quinn stopped at a tree, set a blanket onto the white ground, and set the basket on top of it. Mariella sat down, and Quinn sat on the blanket and opened the basket, bringing out variations of cheeses and fruits. He handed his sister a sandwich, and she took it from him.

   " Why did you ask to have lunch out here, Mariella? You know I am a busy man, and I have a lot of work I need to tend to. "

   " I know, but we needed to have a talk. A talk that must stay between us. "

   " Alright. What is it that you need to discuss with me in secret? "

Quinn knew it must have been important, seeing as they traveled far from the castle, and she ordered the guards to stop walking with them a few miles back. He was intrigued by what she would say.

   " Quinn, you realize that father is going insane. "

   " I do. "

   " And if he continues on this path, there will be a lot of death. "

   " Yes. "

   " Quinn, I am concerned for you and father. Of course father has been spirling downward, and all of his work is being pushed on you. I don't want you to be stressed, from fathers work before you are king. "

   " I will be fine. I have to get used to the work. "

   " And what of a wife? "

   " A wife? "

   " Yes, you know father wants you to have a wife before you ascend the throne. What are you going to do about next week? "

   " I. . .I am going to have to bear with it. Though, I am delighted to inform you I do have a lover, but I don't think we're ready for marriage yet. "

   " Who is it? " Mariella asked, with her sandwich falling and hitting the picnic blanket.

   " You must not tell, anyone, but it is Y/n, a maid in the castle. "

   " Ah, yes, I know who she is. I like her very much. "

   " I'm glad you do. " Quinn said with a small smile.

It was quiet, and Quinn finished his sandwich. Mariella ate a few of the fruits and cheeses he brought before asking another question.

   " So what is your plan? What are you going to do about father, and the princesses coming next week? "

   " It's not really thought thoroughly yet, but I have something. For the princesses, I plan to make it clear that I already have a lover, and I do not wish to engage in a relationship with them. If I can I will turn them away before they get here. If nothing works I can only hope Y/n will understand. "

   " Have you informed her? "

   " I can't remember if I have or not, but I will make it a point to inform her tomorrow. "

   " Good. And what of father? "

   " I am not sure. There is a rebellion that wants to kick father out of the royal court, but they are not acting fast enough. I'm afraid father is going to snap sooner rather than later. No matter what happens though, I will protect you, Mariella. I do not wish for you to be harmed. "

   " Thank you, Quinn. I really appreciate it. I do owe you an apology. "

   " For what? "

   " For not acting like your sister until now. I know we have never had the best relationship, and you were only looking out for me. Then, when mother left I wasn't there for you. I apologize, and I hope you can forgive me. "

Quinn set down the cheese he was eating, and he hugged Mariella. Mariella hugged him back and felt herself tear up. 

   " You've already been forgiven. "

   " Thank you. I also have one more think I need to tell you. "

   " What is it? "

Quinn pulled out of the hug and looked toward Mariella as she told him the news. Quinn couldn't stop his smile from becoming childlike and joyful. He felt tears prick the corners of his eyes, and he hugged Mariella, laughing. Mariella laughed with him and hugged him back.

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