Chapter 38: Old Friends Meeting Again

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The sun had risen by the time you had reached Prosa. You slept a little during the night but were alert most of the time, unable to take your guard down. In the distance, you could see the castle. The castle looked beautiful, and the sun rays bounced off it, making the metal on the castle shine brightly. The castle sat in the middle of the empire with houses, tents, and stores. The gates opened up, and the cart glided through the gates and met the clean streets. The city looked enormous, and it looked as if the walkways never ended. When the coach had stopped outside the palace, Elina and Nikoli were standing at the top of the stairs, greeting everyone who entered the court. Once Mariella was helped out of the cart, you shouted towards Elina.

   " Elina! "

   " Y/n! "

You ran towards her, and she ran towards you. When you both met in the middle, you embraced each other.

   " I'm so glad you're okay. I thought something happened to you when the others came and I didn't see you. "

   " Others? "

   " Yeah, we had a group run from Madrathia to Prosa, and they said the king finally snapped. They told us about the rebellion and where to find it, and we sent a letter saying we wanted to help. "

   " Was Sarah in the group that ran to Prosa? "

   " Yes, she was. She's in the castle now, helping everyone settle in. And, Y/n, I have to tell you about Genevive. "

    " What happened? " You asked, pulling out of the hug.

   " She's awake. "

You checked to see Nikoli greeting Mariella, with doctors approaching her. After seeing her being taken care of, you turned back to Elina. "

   " Take me to her. "

Elina agreed and walked into the castle, holding your hand as you walked through the halls. The halls had elegant powder blue colors accented by white and silver with a bit of gold. Elina guided you to the medical wing, and when she opened the doors, you had already spotted Genevive. Genevive was sitting upright and looking at the doctor as he spoke.

   " Genevive! "

You ran towards your friend and engulfed her in a hug. She was surprised but hugged you back, laughing.

   " I'm okay! Don't squeeze me so tightly. "

   " You were passed out for so long, don't tell me not to hug you! "

Genevive continued to laugh, and you sat on her bed, with Elina seated on the other side of Genevive.

   " So, catch me up. What's happened so far. And why do you both have rings on your fingers!? " She shouted, looking between you and Elina.

   " Y/n, you're getting married!? "

   " Elina, you're already married!? "

After the shouting, the three of you laughed. Then, you started to explain everything to Genevive with Elina while people were getting settled into the castle. Inside the rebellion base, one-fourth of the people had departed for Prosa, and the only ones left were people who would fight in the war. Jin walked towards the meeting room, where he and the other leaders would meet and discuss their new course of action. Jin entered the room and sat in his seat while everyone started quieting. The leader entered the room after Jin and stood at the head of the table.

   " Alright, now we have resources and medical supplies. With Prosa guiding our backs, we can finally go to war. "

   " Why couldn't we go to war before this. We had everything before we brought in those slaves. " One of the men at the table said.

   " First, do not call them slaves. Those people deserve much more respect from you. Second, we did not have enough people or resources. We were close, but if we had attacked with what we had at that time, we would have all died. "

   " So, what do we do now? " A woman asked, leaning on the edge of her seat.

   " We prepare for war. In the next three days, train all of those who can fight, and on day four we will leave, and prepare to run into battle. This is going to be over soon, especially with the maps I have provided from working in the palace. Jin, since you're trained in techniques I want you to teach those who are already trained on fighting, to be stealthy and skillful. Can you do that? "

   " Of course, Quintin. After all the work you put into this, I think that's the least I can do. " Jin responded, smiling toward his leader.

Quintin Trembley smirked at Jin and nodded his head. He gave everyone else their orders, and they were dismissed. However, Jin didn't leave the room, and neither did Quintin. Quintin sat down but flinched, wrapping his arm around his midsection.

   " How is your injury holding up? "

   " It's not bad, but it's not good. Francis's sword went right through me. "

   " That it did. How did you even survive? "

   " I pretended I died. I fell to the floor after he pulled the sword out, and when he left, I jumped out of an open window, running here. My wound isn't doing great, but with the medical supplies that we've received, I'll survive. How was Y/n and Mariella? "

   " They're good. They were happy to go to the Prosan Empire and get out of here. Sarah, a former maid sent me a letter saying Genevive has woken up too. So, Y/n will be glad to be over there instead of Madrathia. "

   " And Mariella? How is she and the baby? "

   " So far, both are in good health. What about your wife? Where is she? "

   " I asked her to flee, Madrathia. Benjamin's wife has taken them to their home in Chevalier. They are safe. What about you? Any loved ones you need to be escourted out before the training begins? "

   " No, Y/n and Quinn are all I care about. I'm worried for Quinn, though. When we fled, he was fighting against his father, and we never heard back from our troops about what happened. They all died. "

   " Quinn is strong, I believe he'll be fine, but it's only a matter of time before his mind breaks, and he loses his sanity. When that happens, then we've truly lost. "

   " I agree. But what should we do if--"

   " There are no if's. Quinn will take the throne after his father, after the war. He is the only one who can do it, and. . .he's passionate about his people and helping the kingdom. He is the only person fit for the king's title, and he has proven himself to me. He will bring Madrathia into an age of joy, and calm. "

   " Yes, I can't wait for those days to come, if I make it out of this battle. "

   " You will, my friend. You must for Genevive's sake. " Quintin teased.

Jin's face turned red, and he didn't speak because he knew he would stumble over his words.

   " Don't act like I don't know. You've had a crush on Genevive for the longest time. Though I thought the day she got ill, you gave up on her, because she was unconscious for so long, but now that she has awaken. . .I think you've found something, besides friendship, worth fighting for. "

   " Shut up. . ." Jin mumbled. 

Quintin laughed as he left the meeting room, with Jin following after. The training started that day in the rebellion, and in three days' time, the fighting would begin. 

When the sun had risen in Madrathia, the king had risen from his bed, yawning. He skipped breakfast and went to his throne room, where one of his guards came to inform him of important news.

   " You're majesty, he is awake. What shall we do? "

   " Feed him nothing, but splash water on him and throw salt on his back. "

   " Yes, your majesty. "

The guard ran away to get the bucket of water, while another guard ran to the kitchen to get a lot of salt. While the person, who had been trapped in Cell Hall, was barely conscious, and he couldn't even think or feel his skin anymore.

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