Chapter 40: Training With Sam

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Later, you walked out of the castle and towards the training grounds when the air had cooled. When you entered the grounds, no one was training, and only one person sat on the ground, in the middle of the field. It looked like he was meditating, and you didn't want to disrupt his silence, but you were curious.

   " Sam, where is everyone? "

Sam looked back at you and stood up from the ground. He dusted his armor off and walked closer to you.

   " Training has finished for everyone, and they are resting. I thought you would like to train without anyone watching. "

   " Hmm, thanks. What shall we start with? "

   " I would like to see you hold a sword, and see if your positioning is correct. "

   " Warning, it's not going to be correct. "

   " It's okay; we can fix it. " Sam said, raising his hand to his mouth to hide his smile.

Sam handed you his sword, leaving his right hand open for once. You positioned yourself with the sword, and Sam analyzed your body.

   " It's good. But it would be better if you lowered your arm. "

Sam walked towards you and took your dominant arm, lowering it a little.

   " Then, stretch your leg a little more. "

Sam's foot pushed your straight leg out a little more, and he tapped your bent knee.

   " Don't be scared to support yourself on this knee. It's bent for a reason so depend on it a little more. Though, the fact you are in a dress will hinder you a bit, I can look for some comfier clothes for you to wear while we train, and in war, if you join. "

   " Okay. Thanks. "

   " RIght. Now, let us, fight a little. Try to defend yourself. "

Same found another sword and lunged at you. You blocked his attack and defended yourself from his attacks. In the end, Sam had thrust at you, and the sword was too close for you to block, making you lean away from the blade. But you leaned too far away. You tipped back and knew you would fall, but Sam wrapped his free arm around your waist, holding you up.

   " Are you alright? "

The setting sun behind him highlighted his features and his ice-blue eyes seemed to light up with the setting sun. The shining of his eyes reminded you of Quinn's eyes. They were blue and always seemed to shine no matter what. The wind blew by you, and Sam helped you stand.

   " We should train tomorrow, and stop for today. Fighting in a dress is not going to work as well as I thought it would today. I will provide better attire for you, tomorrow. "

   " Okay. . .thank you. . ."

You handed him his sword, and he sheathed it. 

   " Let me escourt you back to your room. "

You only nodded and started following Sam towards the castle. You glanced back at his eyes, stunned by how much they reminded you of Quinn's eyes. 

   ' I really miss Quinn. I hope he is okay. '

You almost bumped into a tree if it wasn't for Sam, putting his head in front of your forehead before you bumped into the tree. Then, you snapped out of your daze and looked at Sam's hand and Sam.

   " Please be more careful my lady. You almost hit your head against the tree. "

   " Right. Thank you. "

   " Would you like to hold on to my arm as we walk? This way you may daydream, but I can guide you to and through the castle so you will not bump into anything else. "

   " Alright. . ."

Sam held his arm up, and you wrapped your arm around his and settled your hand on the top of his arm. Your other hand lay on the hand resting on Sam's arm. Together you walked to the palace without running into anyone or anything else. 

Screams were heard throughout the Madrathia palace; as water was thrown at the prisoner, he shivered from being stripped of his shirt and left only in his pants. Tears streamed down his face, and he felt a slight pain in his arms. 

   " You do realize this is because of you! " Francis yelled.

The king continued to burn the prisoner's skin, making scars appear on his fair skin. He continued to scream demeaning things while the prisoner started to wish for death, seeing no hope in his sights.

   ' I'm sorry. . .my love. . .I. . .I can't. . .I can't. . .any. . .more. . .' These were their last thoughts before fainting from the pain.

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