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Still looking at the message when i noticed that he started typing something again.

@sungh00npa4k :
Seen, really? :(

                                          @urfavryun :
I forgot to reply

Oh it's fine
Btw sorry that i followed you this late
I'm not that active here so

It's okay:) do you
need something else?

You sound like you
don't want to text with me bruh:((
I wanted to ask if you have time
this weekend?

I'm free, why?
And noo i was just asking
if you need something else duhh

Great! Me and others are going out
so if you want to join us?
Do you have skates btw?

Okay i'm in
Yeah i do
Wait again

We're going on ice rink
Is that fine with you?

Yeah it's fine

See you in school tomorrow
Good night🤍


"okay this was weird" i said to myself. But i'm glad that i can finally hangout with my friends.

"hey Ryun are you going with us on weekend?" Jay asked me.
"yes, when and where?"
"the same as before, you can take Nara if you want to" he winked at me.
"yahhh ask her by yourself i'm not gonna plan a date for you two"
I said and he got shy.
"n-no that's not what i'm saying" he stuttered.
"did you just stutter? And fine, i'll ask her" i giggled.

"what's up" Jiwoon greeted us
"nothing much, just planning to go on ice rink this weekend" i answered
"why no one invited me?" Jiwoon said playfully.
"you can go with us too. Niki and Sunoo cancelled it so we actually need someone to go with us" Jay said.
"okay i'll be there, just text me some details after" Jiwoon left.

The day kept going, sometimes i got dirty looks from other people but i didn't mind. It was always from some girls.

Well now everyone knew who posted my pictures and also knew the reason why they posted it. It was obvious that they were jealous.

I also noticed people talking about them and when they saw me they bowed. It was weird, but i liked the fact that people now knew the truth and hopefully they'll stop talking shit about me.

School halls were empty. Everyone was on lunch or already left. I had to go to my teachers cabinet to gave them my work that i was supposed to do.

Walking alone trought the empty halls, but i wasn't really alone anymore when i heard girls voices.

"yah! Ryuna!" one of them yelled and i turned to face them.
"yes?" i asked, being a little worried.
"you fucking bitch who exposed us how dare you? And even told Sunghoon to say he likes you infront of everyone to make everyone scared" one of them hissed at me.

"what? I did not tell Sunghoon anything, he just said that. It's not my fault. And after all you posted my pictures so what was i supposed to do? Nothing? Yeah right that's what you expected" i talked back.
"you bitch-" the same girl fastly walked to me and grabbed my hair.

I tried to defend myself, so i started pushing her away and screamed.
The other 2 girls came and pushed me down. She slapped me and i put my hand on my cheek.

They started screaming at me something but i wasn't listening. I felt like fainting every second. I had my eyes closed, still holding my cheek.

Then suddenly everything became silent and i felt someone touching my shoulders.

You guys are so sweet oh my god😭❤️ i read all comments, and y'all are so nice, thank you so much!

Btw i feel like this book is really simple if we are talking about the word forms and my vocabulary😭 let's say it's not a hard story to read for people that are non-native speakers:P

Also! While waiting for new chapters of this book you can take a look at my 'recommended' book section on my profile:)! I've put there books that i read and found them really good so you can read it and support other writers too! <3

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