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Next few days was obvious that Sunghoon is avoiding Ryun. And unfortunately he wasn't the only one. Aeri avoided her too. She didn't know where to start.

"RYUN!!!" Someone suddenly yelled and she jumped a little
"Oh my god Jake you startled me! What is it?" She chuckled because someone who lifted up her mood a little these days finally showed up.
"Did you hear about the birthday party?" He squealed in excitedment
"Whose party?"
"Uhm...I'm scared that if i tell you, you won't go.." he sounded upset
And in that moment it hit her. It was Sunghoon's birthday in a three days. She gave Jake a questionable look and then she shook her head.
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeee" he begged
"I don't know Jake... i think he doesn't want me to be on his birthday party"
"Why wouldn't he? I know that he is avoiding you and when i ask him why he does that he just changes the topic but i'm sure he will get over it soon"
"That's the thing Jake, it's been a week since he started to avoid me and i may know why so i just want to talk to him but he just...." She said being frustrated and the she sighed.
"Yeah and the party will be a great opportunity for you to finally talk to him" he smiled
"I have to think about it"
"Come on there's nothing to think about just be there on Friday okay?"
"Okay then" she rolled her eyes and in that moment Jake hugged her and squealed like a little girl.

As they were hugging she noticed a tall figure watching them from a far with an unreadable face expression.

It was no one else than Sunghoon, who was burning with anger seeing his best friend and the love of his life hugging and being close. Now it was clear for him. Jake was the one she loves. He felt so betrayed.

Meanwhile Jake couldn't be more happier that Ryun agreed to go to Sunghoon's brithday party because he couldn't stand the two of them ignoring eachother.

It was finally friday which meant that Ryun needs to get ready for the party. And of course she wouldn't go anywhere without Nara so they were getting ready together.

"Sooo you still didn't tell me what did you get for his birthday?" Nara teased Ryun
"Okayy i'll show you!"

Ryun searched for a little box in her purse and then opened it.
"You know those places where you can go and make a ring and write or draw something on it? Well i thought about it one day and thought that he would like it. Someone would say that it's weird for a girl to give a ring to the boy she loves but i think it's just a really nice gift and it'll show him that he's the only one for me" she blushed a little as she said that.

"awww that is so sweet! Since when you are romantic like this? A week ago you wouldn't even admit that you like him and now you're saying how much you love him?" She laughed as she was looking at the ring. There was a date and heart nex to it.

"What does the date mean?" Nara asked her
"Let's say i had to find out which day it was when he crashed to me while i was changing but thank god i got Jake who remembers every single detail about that day so it wasn't that hard" Ryun chuckled

"So that was the day you spoke to eachother for the first time, how cute"
"I wouldn't exactly say 'spoke' it was more like yell but whatever" they both laughed.

"Well i'm sure he's gonna love that" someone said from behind and they got startled.
"Oh my god Jake don't do this!" Nara said as they saw who startled them.
"How much of our conversation did you hear?" Ryun asked because it was obvious that he was eavesdropping.

"Almost everything" he smiled innocently

I'm sick so i decided to finally post another chapter💀 i hope you guys are doing great!!

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