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"you can take video or photo of me that will last longer" someone said behind Ryuna's back which caused her to fall down again. Fortunately the person who startled her from behind caught her.

"yah! Park Sunghoon!" she yelled at him.
"what? Are you mad because i disappeared from your sight?" he smirked and Ryuna rolled her eyes at him.
"you jerk..." she mumbled but Sunghoon heard her.
"tsk how mean... By the way you look like a drunk duck on ice, wanna help?" he chuckled
"excuse me? Oh and well... I would appreciate that, because as you can see i haven't skated in years so" Ryuna said.
"let's go then" he smiled and took her hands.

Someone watched them from behind, with not really happy expression on his face. It was Jiwoon who felt sad by watching them.

"hey don't leave me alone!!" Ryuna shouted at Sunghoon who was currently trying to leave her.
"you act like a child, try it by yourself finally!" he shouted back.
Ryuna tried to, and suprisingly she can finally skate by herself now, without Sunghoons help.

But she still wanted to be in Sunghoons presence. It was really fun with him, she felt like the most happiest person in this world. So she thought of a plan how to be still with Sunghoon and not just watch him skate from far away.

"how about we go together for last round pleaseeee? I just need to be sure that i can let you leave" she did puppy eyes on him.
"ah okay and stop doing those eyes" he looked at her disgustingly and her face changed to a annyoed face.

"catch me!" Ryuna yelled and got away from him as fast as she could.
He laughed and started chasing her around.

Then she stopped suddenly when he wasn't watching and when he looked up, hecouldn't stop that quickly so he crashed into her.

The both fell on the ground and Ryuna started laughing. He raised his head to look at her thinking that she is crazy. He was on top of her, so that did it even more embarrassing for him.

"are you crazy?" he said looking down to her.
"you finally caught me" she laughed again. He rolled his eyes and laughed a little too.

Then he stood up and helped Ryuna too, but she nearly fell again so he grabbed her around her waist to be sure that she won't fall again.

She looked up and that was the moment their sparkling eyes met. Ryuna was still smiling, but Sunghoon suddenly felt like he is in another space.

What was this feeling? He didn't know. It felt weird for him.

"let's go now! It's freezing!" Jake searched for everyone so they could go home without being sick after.
They walked out from ice skating rink, talking and laughing together, telling what they did on ice rink and how they kept falling.

There was a wooden arch with mistletoe on it and Jay was waiting under it for others.

Ryuna noticed and showed Nara to go there for him. Nara also noticed after a while that he was standing under mistletoe and realized where was her bestfriend going with that.

But now there is no turning back, because she's now standing infront of him. And being the confident girl Nara is, she took the opportunity for a romantic moment with the person she loves with her whole heart. She told him to look up and when he did and looked back to her, he couldn't even say anything because Nara was faster.

Even when she didn't say anything and just connected their lips together, it meant more than words to both of them.

Everyone else was just watching from far and clapping and encouraging them. Ryuna was proud of herself for telling her to go to him. She knew Nara will notice and realize.

Hello!! Since christmas is tomorrow i decided to write this chapter as let's say 'christmas special' but ikk it's not that much about christmas but they were on ice skating rink + Jay and Nara kissed under mistletoe so it must count hehe


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