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Atmosphere felt heavier and heavier by minutes passing, and in almost everyones blood alcohol was flowing.

I was sitting in corner so no one would notice me and persuade me to drink. Thinking about what Jiwoon told me when suddenly someone snapped me back to reality by clapping their hand infront of my face.

"you wanna play truth or dare with others?" Heeseung asked me.
"isn't that only for the drunk ones?" i joked
"no it's not, and i'm not drunk" he tried to sound convincingly but i knew really well that he isn't sober.
"ah... okay then" i sighed and got up.

Just a little stupid game won't hurt right? Besides, i came here to enjoy it a little so why not. I sat next to Heeseung since he told me to go play with them. On the other side was Aeri smiling at me.

"you are drunk too? Oh god" i said.
"what? I-i'm not" she stuttered a little and i noticed that she was looking to other direction. She was looking at Sunghoon, blushing.

It was weird since Sunghoon was looking at our direction too. What's going on between these two?

Suddenly Jungwon spoke and everyone turned their heads to look at him.
"Jake, truth or dare?" he asked Jake
"hmmmm.... Truth"
"is it true that you like someone? " Jungwon asked with smile
"i don't think there's a special someone in my life right now so no" he answered.

And like this the game went by and i didn't pay much attention until i heard dare that was given to Aeri.
"kiss Sunghoon" someone said and she blushed and walked to him.

Sunghoon seemed okay with that, but when she kissed him i felt weird. It annoyed me in some way. Her blushing face when she came back annoyed me. It was clear that she likes him.

I stood up with that i 'have to go to the bathroom' . I went there and just splashed my face with cold water.

I was going back when i noticed weird guys standing in the corridors of the house. I was sure that they were from our school. When i was passing by, one of them grabbed my hand and pressed me into wall.

"hi there" he said
"you wanna play game babygirl?" the other one laughed.
I tried to defend myself but i ended sitting on floor.

They started to scream at me things like "because of you my girlfriend was kicked out of school" and "we need to teach you a lesson you whore"

I started sobbing and when they heard it, they kicked me to my legs. It felt exactly like the moment when those girls were beating me up and screaming at me.

My vision became blurry again as i remembered my horrible childhood and tears kept falling down.

No one is going to save me this time, since i left Jiwoon without answer... I thought.

The only thing i heard was curse words, screams and feeling my tears on my cheeks and sometimes sharp pain when they beated me.

I feel sorry for her that she got beaten up 2 times already:') but i needed it happen for some reasons that you will find out soon:P

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