☀︎︎ Our Meet Cute ☀︎︎

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"We'll be waiting for you at the first exit. When you get there, Stefano will pass you a hard drive. You'll find your way into the securities office and plug it in. It will temporarily hack the cameras for roughly 45 minutes. In that time span, we'll have Giana and Jessica take him to the room and tie him up. Once they leave the room, you swoop in and kill him. Me and Dom will wait for you to leave the room then we'll dispose of the body. Go back into the security room and take the hard drive out and keep it with you."

"Why must I keep it?"

"Research purposes." Luigi shrugs.

Luigi is my best friend, has been since the tenth grade. We've done so much together and now we are working together. Technically, he works for me but I don't like how that sounds. He works with the computers and technical stuff. Making plans and forming mission is his thing.

"Fucking pervert!" Dom shouts out and chuckles while aggressively chewing his bubble gum.

Dom, Domenico, the life of every single party. We met one night when I was on a mission and he was in an aggressive fight with someone at a bar. Been friends ever since. He works with me, he helps with the bodies and our wounds since he has a medical degree and is a surgeon. Party's, girls and anger issues is what Dom is all about.

"Is it Jessica or Giana?" Stefano stroked his chin.

Stefano, he handles our weapons and gadgets. He makes most of them, technical genius. We met at a mechanical shop, I saw him welding shit and decided to hire him. He is a ladies man and not in the whore type of way, in the gentleman way. He's very soft. He's worse than me sometimes.

"It's definetly not me." Jessica immediately put her hands up in surrender.

Jessica, my ex and also seductress. She has the classic dumb blonde look and she can seduce and manipulate the fuck out people with just her eyes. She was perfect for all my male victims. I was once a victim until it turned into more then we both decided that it's best we don't continue the relationship. It's really healthy.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Giana rolled her eyes and took a bite from the strawberries I told her not to touch.

Giana, she works with Jessica in seduction. Giana grew up with Luigi and I but we lost contact. We met again in a club and she was one of the dancers. Her light brown skin and freckles may seem innocent but she is far from that. She also helps me if we ever have to torture any female victims.

My mother told me to never hit a woman.

So I let Giana do it.

"Giana, are those my fucking strawberries?" I ask her and she stops mid bite before shrugging and continues to eat.

"You said not to touch them, I'm clearly eating them." She mumbled and I reached for the gun on the side table and swiftly took the safety off and shot right next to her head.

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