☀︎︎ Do You Need Me?☀︎︎

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They didn't tell me their plan, they just told me to keep quiet and be an ally.

While Jessica and Dom are at the doctor getting a check up for the baby, I decided to surprise Lorelai. I wanted to do something really abnormal and not alot of people would do this for their significant other but I did. I knew she really wanted to and if she didn't do it soon, she'd do it to Jessica.

She's sitting in the car, her head leaning on the window with her eyes blindfolded. She told me she hates the blindfolds bur wore them anyway. I turn left and go down this really dusty and bumpy road. I pull up next to a brown old abandoned warehouse just on the outskirts of New York. It took us a total of one hour and half to get here. No one comes to this side because of the surprise I got her.

I did this with very pure intentions and so that she could get her anger out. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

"Are we here?" She asked impatiently and I chuckled in a low voice before I removed her blindfold. She looked out the window and to the warehouse.

"Let's go." I say as I get out of the car and walk to the warehouse. I know she's close behind me because I can hear the crunch of her heels on the stones and grass. I open the door and let it swing open while she walked inside.

The guy on the chair woke with a sudden wake and frantically looked around. He too was blindfolded but has been blindfolded ever since I caught him.

"Who is this?" She smirked as her eyes looked over his body. Normally anyone would get jealous or weirded out but the look in her eyes says she's more interested in destroying him than fucking him.

"Willam Kandi, multiple rape allegations that have been proved to be truthful. His wife, his daughter, his neighbor, his entire damn street."

"Motherfucker." She muttered. I pulled out the table behind us with all the weapons I got that she could use.

"Believes woman should be raped to know their place, to know that they are inferior to men." I chuckle a bit because I might just kill him myself.

"So why is he here?"

"You said you felt like shooting someone so, here's someone and here is your supply of guns and any kind of torture weapon you can use." I gesture to the table and she turns around slightly to look at them.

I take a few steps until I'm close to her and place my hands behind my back while she admires the contents of the table.

"All of this for me and my silly cravings?" Our noses brushed against each other and she ran her hand on my stubble. I noticed she liked to do that alot so she might like it.

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