☀︎︎ Not Here To Be Nice ☀︎︎

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Her hair.
Her lips.
Her voice.
Her body.
Her curves.
Her walk.
Her bluntness.
Just her.

I'm utterly consumed in someone who called me an imbecile. I didn't even catch her name, not that I could have. She would have probably laughed in my face and moved on. Can't blame though, my pick-up line was ass. I could've done better and not be nervous. If I could, I would go back to the club and warn past me about what I was about to do.

The icy draft coming out of the freezer next to me startles me out of my thoughts and I forgot what I wanted to grab. I look into the fridge and the shelves are all stocked with ice creams. I grab the first one I see and move on.

It's been a week of me thinking about her.

Or what I saw under the dark light. Her figure stays imprinted on my mind and I want nothing more than to run my hands down her body, to learn her curves and understand her body. Her glare is enough to send anyone packing but I want to look deeper into her glare. She looks impossible to figure out. I can't know if it's because I like to know people or if she's that mysterious that other people want to know her too.

She has my mind replaying the night. Replaying our moments together. Her voice. Everything about her that night was just perfect.

"Ares!" Luigi called out. I looked around me and spotted him waving his hands up. I walk over to him with the ice cream in hand. When I pass an aisle, I think I'm hallucinating but I see the same figure I've been thinking about.

I do a double take and it's a blessing to my eyes as I confirm that it is her. The ice cream long forgotten on the stack of juice, I walk up to her. With each step is a build to my anxiety.

"Excuse me, can you pass me two tins of tuna?" I say because she's standing infront of them. It's as if she didn't hear me. Her head looks down and back up to the items on the higher shelf.

"Excuse me-" I try again but she flinched away, scowls and walks away with her cart. "Hey." I catch up after her.

She continues her walk as if no one is talking.

"Hi, I'm the guy from the club, about a week ago. I was just wondering if you'd like to grab a coffee sometime?" I ask and she carries on her shopping like I'm not even talking. I'm not about to give up.

"You're really beautiful and I just want one coffee date. I'll make it worth your while." Once again, it's as if I'm not there. "I'll go on my knees and sing if you don't get coffee with me."

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