☀︎︎ I Love Them. I Love Her ☀︎

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He tried to stab me but I dodged it and grabbed his hand with the knife before twisting it. He screamed in agony. I grabbed the knife out of his hand stabbed his shoulder before taking it out.

His body slammed on the floor as he tried to stop the blood flow with his hands. I had to hurry and kill him. It's eleven o'clock at night and I'm sure Lorelai is already at home waiting for me.

I grab my gun and just shoot him. Blood splatters on my face and on my coat. His eyes stay open and his mouth hung open. I hear a rush of footsteps. I look at my gun and see that I forgot to put the silencer.

My eyes dart across the room, looking for an exit. The window opened wide that welcomes the gush of cold midnight air. I rush over to it. My footsteps matching the footsteps that are getting closer to the door of this room. My coat flying behind me, the hat that I have on masks my true identity in the night. As the door busts open, I jump down to the roof of the next building. I run across it and shots are being fired at me.

I drop my body down and slide down the slanted roof before dropping down. I have no idea where I'm running to but my legs can't stop running until I stop hearing the distant shouts of my name.

Phoenix. They chant it because they know how he looks like. The tall lanky coat and the hat.

I take a sharp left turn onto a small street of houses. They look just like the Bianchi mansion. I look back and realize I had only just got out of his property. All that running was within his property. I continue running. A tall black figure jumps out of a window. It stands up quickly and looks in my direction.

Striking grey eyes.

I've never seen anyone with grey eyes like that. These ones were light, glowing and frightening. Shots were fired at both of us so we ran in the same direction.

"Ecco Phoenix!" The guards shout.

"Ecco Melaina!"

[Translations: There goes Phoenix! There goes Melaina!]

Melaina is the figures name. It clicks that I'm on a runaway with a fellow assassin. I grab their hand and pull us both into a dark alley between mansions. We both go to the back and she takes off before I can get a good look at her.

She ran away. Her hair flowing behind her and her black jumpsuit clinging to her body. She was like a feverdream. I didn't know if this was real. She didn't speak or say thank you for saving our ass. Looking and thinking about her feels like cheating but it's purely a fascination.

The Poisonous Melaina Where stories live. Discover now