☀︎︎ I'm Loving This New Me ☀︎︎

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After she said no, I figured that was it. We went back to her apartment that day and her house was clean. He hadn't taken anything which proves that he was looking for Raeni. My body goes up in chills and I only hope Stefano is keeping her safe.

I convinced her that staying with me would be safer and she said,

"I can take care of myself."

Which I didn't doubt for a second but I wasn't sure what Derek was capable of. So after work, I'll stay with her until she falls asleep and slip out before checking with security to keep her safe. I offered them a raise, from my own pockets, and they've done an exceptional job at keeping her safe. This has been going on for a week until I found a letter, in her trash bin while I was throwing out pizza crusts, about how he would slice her throat and kill Raeni if she didn't give up her location. I was afraid for her so I moved everything to my house.

She protested, of course, but I wouldn't hear it. She was mad at me for a week of staying in my house.

She wouldn't speak to me, she wouldn't eat the food I made, she wouldn't sleep with me. She bought a whole new set of linen, just to sleep in the guest room. I made sure she never went back to her apartment by asking the tech team to disable her elevator.

So now, I guess we're cool because she heard scratching by her window and came to sleep in my bed and it's been like that ever since.

"Do you do your makeup everyday?"

It was a stupid question but I'm so bored waiting for her to finish up, I might as well talk.

"Uh huh." She mumbled as she was swiping a black coated brush on her eyelashes. I randomly put my hand on her stomach, I could feel the small bumps of abs through her dress.

"You have abs?" I asked with surprise on my face. She shrugged and moved on to the shiny wand that would coat her lips with clear gloss. "That's so sexy."

I place my head on her stomach and just lay there. She leans back and I look up at her while she looks down at me with a smile.

"What are you doing?" She packs away all her items which indicate that she's done. She swipes the corners of her lips and the inside of it.

"Being annoying." I mumbled into her stomach, thinking it might tickle her just a little but she didn't even flinch.

"I'm done."

My head has never jerked up so fast. I got up and grabbed her makeup bag for her. When she stood up, I did a double take on her outfit. A long, tight fitted, long sleeve, brown dress with matching brown heels and gold jewelry to decorate her outfit. The same lingering silver necklace that I noticed she always wears. She grabbed a small brown shoulder bag and places her phone, gum and a charger inside it.

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