Chapter 3 - A Breath Of Fresh Air

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Zander Black's POV:

The frown on my face hadn't moved an inch in the past hour. The stack of paperwork sitting in front of me on my dad's desk was never ending. I've been helping dad out as he has been trying to teach me everything I need to know about becoming the Alpha. I have spent years training and learning all I need to know, however there is just one thing missing.... my mate.

I was hoping to not need to take over the pack until I met her, as a pack is always much stronger when they have both an Alpha and a Luna leading it.

"Come on, Zander, we'll miss the bus." My Beta Jax said. Jax is my slightly younger brother. There are only 10 months between us, so we are in the same year level. My parents didn't waste anytime having kids. I also have a younger sister Ella. There is no one I trust more than my siblings and my best friend Ed who is my gamma. My brother and I had to stay back two years from school as we struggled to control our wolves from an early age. Being kids of an Alpha meant we could meet our wolves from the tender age of ten, while most lower ranking wolves meet their wolves around the age of fifteen. I was ten when I met Shadow.

Lucky for us, we know most of the teachers as they are wolves from our pack, so they changed paperwork to show us as eighteen rather than twenty. That way we don't have to explain anything to the humans. Werewolves also start families much younger, and live longer lives. We tend to age more gracefully than humans, so it never gets questioned.

My brother and I are very different in both looks and personality, but we're inseparable. I have dark black hair and bright blue eyes which I got from our father Mike, the same shade as my wolves fur, midnight black. Jax has dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes, just like our mother Vivian. His wolf is a dark blonde colour like his hair.

"Leave without me." I called out in a bored, quiet tone. We have much sharper senses than a human. "I'll finish up here and just run to school. I'll probably still get there before you by the time the bus picks everyone up."

He doesn't bother replying, I hear the door close as Jax's footsteps fade.

Since my eighteenth birthday, I have been more involved with helping my father around the pack house. I know his planning on passing the pack down to me soon. It's my birth right after all, and I have trained and studied all my life for this. It's been making shadow more and more agitated and aggressive towards others lately, as he wants to find our mate first.

"Requests for new housing arrangements - tick. Request for new training equipment - again, tick." I speak out loud even though I know my wolf can hear my thoughts and see through my eyes when he pleases. I can see him in the back part of my mind, resting his head on his paws with his eyes closed. He also has a bored expression on his face.

Damaged equipment is quite common. We are werewolves after all, so if our tempers get the better of us, a simple training exercise can lead to lots of damaged equipment. Yes, even the ones that are specially made to put up with extreme force end up damaged by some of the higher ranking wolves like my Beta, Gamma and I. Of course me being the future Alpha makes me stronger than them, and usually the cause of most of the damages.

All wolves can recognise their mate from the age of eighteen although some of us have to wait patiently. It's also possible our mate isn't eighteen yet, so it makes it a little harder to tell.

"Done." I stack the completed paperwork into a neat pile. Intending to file it away later. "Let's go for a run Shadow." My wolf perks up wagging his tail at that. Anything to expel some of his pent up energy and frustration.

I strip off my clothes and place them in my bag. I don't want to tear them when I phase so I often carry it in my mouth.

As soon as I walk outside, I don't even need to call shadow forward, he's so eager he takes control and I let the shift happen. In a matter of seconds, I have my backpack in my mouth and am running full speed ahead towards the school grounds.

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