Chapter 33 -Tempt Part 2

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Alexa's POV:

I wasn't sure why Zander refused to answer such an easy question, maybe his plan is to strip down almost naked to see if he can get a reaction out of me, like that time on the bus so I lose. I wasn't expecting that then, and I don't plan on losing now. "We need to beat him at his own game." I jumped hearing a whisper in my head. What was that?! I thought to myself.

"Next round; Boys, get as close to the girls as you can without actually touching." Ed announced.

Zander approached me looking intensely into my eyes. His movements were slow and calculated like a wolf stalking his prey. Every step he took towards me, had me stepping back until I hit the wall. My hands were down at my sides and I stood motionless trying to keep my breathing steady. Zanders hands began to move until they were against the wall on either side of my body caging me in. He was about a head taller than me and was now looking down at me. His face was close enough for me to feel his warm breath fanning across the top of my head near my right ear.

"So what do you think about this game so far?" Zander whispered making the hairs on my neck move slightly and goosebumps to spread all over my upper body.

"Seems easy enough for me." I answered. "I'm the queen of self control, it's you who should be worried. I'm not sure if you will be able to resist me." I said as my eyes moved up from his chest to gaze into his eyes. 

I felt his breathing pause for a short moment when our eyes connected and realised how close my lips were to the slight stubble on his chin. My fingers twitched with the desire to brush upon his face and I wondered what it would feel like to thread them through his soft midnight coloured hair.

With the way the moonlight shined through the window, I could see a white glow outlining the dark wavy strands. His skin looked soft, tanned and flawless. His normally bright blue eyes looked a little darker than normal considering the moonlight should have lightened them if anything, but I didn't put much thought into it.  I jumped as Alessia voice rang through the phone I had briefly forgotten about. Zander's amused grin didn't go unnoticed.

"It seems Rachel and Jax have broken the rules and are out of the game. This leaves Ben and Ella against Zander and Alexa. Time to mix things up. Our last task is giving you all full power. You can take everything into you own hands and do what you can to get the other to lose but you must take it in turns. Remember if you end up kissing, getting completely naked or moaning... you're out! Good luck."

"Why so jumpy darling, I'd love to know what thoughts you got lost into just now." Zander said with curiosity in his tone. "How about you tell me what was on your mind just now, or I make you shoeless?"

Okay he had me... there was no way I was going to admit I was imagining touching his hair and face. "Please take a step back so I can remove my shoes."

"Oh darling you misunderstood me. I said 'I' will make you shoeless." Zander grinned triumphantly, he slowly knelt down onto the floor. He maintained eye contact with me the entire time. His fingers ran down my legs until they reached my ankle and heel straps. He managed to undo them both, all while still looking into my eyes. His hands were gentle yet skilful as he effortlessly removed both shoes before standing up again.

"My turn... how many times have you played this game with Rachel and what's the furthest you have gotten with her?" I asked curiously.

Zander's brows raised in surprise before he answered. "That's two questions darling, and state your terms if I refuse to answer." He said carefully.

Zanders POV:

"Okay then, my question is "What's the furthest you have gotten with Rachel." I was really hoping she would ask the first question instead of this one, I was not prepared to answer. She continued "If you don't want to tell me, I will take your shirt as my price."

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