Chapter 51 - Information Overload

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Alexa's POV:

We danced to the music as the lights and strobes lit up the dance floor. A special smoke machine that didn't effect our wolves noses, cast a soft mystic atmosphere and the strobing white lights made the smoke appear to be glowing.

Abe danced with me while explaining what had happened to him. "One minute I was talking to mum and the next there was a couple banging against the wall with black eyes. I freaked out of course and dropped the phone. The man was trying to make some excuse but I knew what I saw." Abe said recalling the memory.

"As I went to run off he reached out to stop me and snagged on my pendent instead. It fall to the ground so I ran into the forest. Within ten minutes of panicking I started feeling intense pain through my limbs. Next thing I know I'm a wolf running through someone's territory. It was my first time meeting my wolf, and he took full control."

"What happened after that?" I asked worriedly.

"Next thing I know I'm fighting an Alpha to the death. I'm now the Alpha of the Sharp Tooth Pack. They refused to let me leave so soon at first, and I didn't call because I didn't know what to say." Abe said sadly.

"I get it, I just would have at least liked a message letting me know you were safe and would reach out once you were ready." I admit.

"I know sis next time I'll keep that in mind. Anyway my Beta is on his way and we have a plane to catch so I'll see you around soon." As Abe hugged me, his Beta approached us from behind.

"Alpha A, everything's packed and ready to go."

My eyes widened recognising the voice. "Thanks Drake I'm ready now." Said Abe.

I turned around to see Mr Pain, I mean Drake, staring at me with the same shocked expression that mirrored mine. He had a glass of scotch in his left hand and his other hand in his right pocket. Frozen in place neither of us made a move.

"Okay guys what's wrong, you both look like you've seen a ghost?" Abe comments looking back and forth between Drake and I.

"Drake." I hold out my right hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Alexa, Alpha's older twin sister. I guess Sharp tooth Gym makes a little more sense to me now." I say as the pieces click in my mind.

Drake recovers from his shock and swallows. He takes a step forward to shake my hand and takes a big breath in. "How did I not smell your wolf until now? I had no idea! I thought you were human!" He said in disbelief.

"Join the club." I say glancing at Abe with a smirk tugging at the right side of my lips. "I only found out this morning."

Glimmer starts to speak to me. "We were hiding our scent before. The pendant did it at first but when you absorbed it's power, I was able to control it. It now feels like a switch I can turn on and off."

"To answer your question Drake, I was able to hide my scent without realising, but my wolf isn't wanting to hide anymore." I reply.

Glimmer decides to come forward. "Nice to finally meet you Beta, and thank you for everything you have done for us." Drake jumps out of his skin and I watch as his glass of scotch falls to the ground with a crash.

"You.. your wolf.." Drake stutters.

"Yeah I know, I'm a little special." I say nudging Abe as he laughs at my word special.

"You're special all right! I still bet I can take you big sis!" Abe says challenging me.

"Well how about you set a date and give me some time to practice, and I'll see you there." I reply accepting his challenge.

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