Chapter 10 -Tease

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Zander's POV:

I'm not sure how she knew what was about to happen, but Alexa stood up knowing she would get covered somewhere. She made sure it missed her hair and face, and I was stunned as I've never seen a human move that fast or have that kind of great intuition. She seemed to always be full of surprises. Just when I thought she couldn't impress me anymore, Alexa hugged Rachel. It was brilliant! Shadow was watching intently wagging his tail.

Rachel pushed Alexa back instantly and let a low growl slip. She's lucky Alexa didn't hurt herself or I would have made her regret it. Crap, I know she heard that growl, if this goes any further I'm going to need to intervene.

Rachel's fingers curled into her palms making a fist on either side of her body. I saw the tremble in her hands which only meant one thing... her wolf was fighting her for control and was trying to shift. Her wolf would have hated being disrespected by a human. Alexa made her look weak and undesirable, and the bus was full of students (mostly wolves) who we're laughing at her. It's in our nature to want to fight back and prove who's more superior. It's always about power and rank when our wolves are involved.

Looking at her trembling hands, I noticed a drop of blood fall to the ground as her claws began replacing her pink nails. It would only take seconds before she would lose control and lunge at Alexa. The thought instantly triggered Shadow. He took some control of me before I even knew what was happening and growled Rachel's name in warning allowing just a little of his Alpha command to slip through. I tried to suppress it but I know some of his voice came out with mine.

"Rachel. This is your stop isn't it." I said. I then mind linked her "Get the hell off this bus now!" It was an order and she knew not to question it.

"Thanks for cooling me off, I really needed that or I would have never stopped laughing!" Alexa said mockingly watching Rachel's back as she exited the bus.

Luckily Rachel didn't turn around and just kept walking, as Alexa was oblivious to the danger she was almost in. I still found her fearlessness amusing. Shadow had a wolfy grin on his face and his tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth. He liked the fact that she was taunting Rachael and not intimidated by her.

Before I realised what I was doing I stood up and took quick calculated steps towards her. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Zander, quick take off your shirt and offer it to her. Make sure you do it slowly and keep your muscles flexed." Ed's voice came through the mind link.

"Ed, I'm pretty sure the mind link wasn't meant to be used for your personal entertainment. Now please explain why I should do that. I have no problem offering her my shirt but flexing and moving slow... what's that going to accomplish other than make me look self absorbed?"

"Just trust me and look confident but innocent at the same time."

"Man I knew I should have taken up drama class." I replied

"Just think of it like when we play Tempt!" Ed's comment was exactly what I needed to hear. My hands crossed around one another and reached down to the hem of my long sleeve shirt. I gripped the material with a slow steady motion and kept my eyes on her face. I see her stunned expression and hear her breathing hitch. It was the motivation I needed to execute 'plan tease.'

I pulled my shirt slowly past my hips, then up my abdominal muscles and pecks. Just as my shirt was passing my face I froze. I smelt her arousal and it hit me like a truck and stunned me for a second. I had to push my wolf back towards a deeper part of my mind or he would have wanted to take control and mate with her then and there. This was harder than I thought. Wasn't I the one who was meant to be teasing her?

I felt the blood drain from my upper body and rush below my belt. My cock swelled and twitched in response to her arousal. I could feel it straining against my briefs, and hoped she was too focused on my pecs and arms to notice my steadily growing erection.

"Fuck man, whatever your doing it's working I can smell her all the way from here!" Ed's comment snapped me out of my thoughts, the last thing I wanted was another male wolf to smell what's mine.

Wait.. she's not mine I reminded myself as I yanked the sleeves that were gripping onto my arms tightly. When I finally got out of my own head, I placed the shirt over her head and took in her appearance. She had a stunned expression on her face, and she wasn't moving. I couldn't even see the rise and fall of her chest that you see when someone is breathing. My eyes then drifted down to her parted lips and her jaw that might as well have been on the ground.

When she noticed me looking at her lips she snapped out of her trance and closed her mouth. She looked almost pained as she slid her arms into the sleeves of my shirt. She blushed from the realisation that I saw her reaction to my body, and it was my new favourite colour. Her rosy cheeks were almost as red as her lips. I couldn't stop the smirk that came over my face even if I tried. I watched her reactions to my next words closely as I spoke "It's cold outside darling, and your dripping wet."

"In more ways than one" Ed laughed, and obviously thought it was a good time to mind link me.

"I wouldn't want you getting sick and cancel on our da... um plans this Saturday." Crap, crap, crap! I can't believe I called her darling so casually and then almost called Saturday a date. Imagine a date with our best friends and her brother! She clearly picked up on it also as she just sat there blinking at me speechless. I'm sure her blush darkened slightly.

"That's a first" I hear Alessia mumble beside us as the bus came to our stop near the towns shopping district.

"Great you broke her." Ed laughs.

"That went better than expected!" I admitted through the link. I saw her suddenly look around and followed her lead. I was surprised to see the bus still full of students.

"Everyone else had missed their stops, too focused on the two of you!" Ed stated while laughing out loud. He couldn't contain his laughter and neither could I. I laughed and laughed until the muscles around my face ached. It's been so long since I've laughed like that. I felt an incredible peace wash over me and I could tell Shadow felt it to by the gentle pur that was vibrating from him in the back of my mind.

Alexa was smiling at me which just added to my light carefree mood. Maybe now would be a good time to reach out to her and touch her without it feeling forced or weird.

"This is the last stop" The bus driver impatiently reminded everyone as we all began gathering our bags and making our way off the bus. Or not. I thought to myself. "Come on Ed my fathers waiting for us."

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