Chapter 40 - Inner Strength

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Alexa's POV:

It was around 8:30pm by the time I arrived home. Mum threw herself at me when she saw me. I guess she was a little on edge since Abe's disappearance. "I was worried sick about you! Why weren't you responding to my messages?" Mum stated with an element of anger and worry in her voice.

"Sorry mum, I signed up at a gym and left my phone in the locker during the workout. I'll message you next time so you know if there is an emergency to call the reception." I apologised, hugged her tight and placed a kissed on her cheek before bidding her goodnight.

We were both handling things differently. I couldn't sit still and needed to fill my mind with anything other than my twin brother, who I should have been protecting. Mum, however, had sat on the couch staring at our baby pictures, drowning herself in her guilt, pain and sorrow. Apart from me breaking down crying earlier, I handled things by avoiding them for as long as possible. Especially when it involves something out of my control. I hated feeling powerless and since I got here I've never felt stronger, yet weaker all at the same time. It's like my body is sensing a challenge or larger threat that's not been there before. The need to improve is overwhelming. It's a constant thought etched into my very soul.

I ran up the stairs, entered my room, showered and braided my hair into two braids that rested on either side of my shoulders. As soon as my head hit the pillow, sleep surrounded me. My muscles relaxed and my breathing evened out. The silence in the room was peaceful.

It wasn't long until beautiful vivid green forests cloaked by shadows and moonlight surrounded me. I felt the wind blowing past my face as I ran, weaving in and out of branches, fallen trunks and large tree roots overtaking the forest floor. My sight looked so much clearer and brighter, almost like I was wearing night vision goggles. Then I felt a pain in my left ribs as something came barreling into me, causing me to lose my footing.

It was a magnificent black wolf. His fur so dark it could almost completely disappear into the shadows that surrounded us. Everything was dark apart from his eyes. They were my favourite shade of blue. Zander's shade, if I was being honest.

I don't know why he was plaguing my dreams and why I stood at the same height as this wolf that reminded me of Zander. Nothing made sense to me, but I remember him tackling me to the ground and pinning me down with his large furry paws.

The position and dominance he pushed upon me did things to my body I couldn't admit out loud without blushing. Especially since we were talking about an animal here. The midnight coloured wolf was gazing deep into my grey orbs. All I could feel was a steady vibration pulling me closer. It felt like gravity pulling you to the earth, except my earth was this wolf. The magnetic pull was something you can only fight against for so long before you inevitably collide with its surface. Good thing I'm persistent I thought to myself. Even in my dreams I was still upset at Zander. Or maybe it was me.. for letting my guard down.

I knew the longer I ignored gravity, the harder and faster I would fall. His snout was close, his teeth sharp yet alluring. His breath gently caressing my face and his scent that surrounded me felt like home, so inviting. As he let out a low growl, excitement and adrenaline flowed into my bloodstream and through my veins, causing my heart to speed up excessively.

I woke up with a startled jolt, drenched in sweat causing my t-shirt to cling to my skin. The small breeze drifted through the cracked window, and felt like cold ice water slithering down my neck and spine like a serpent chasing its prey. It was then I realised my alarm was about to go off.

Had I even slept? I felt more emotionally drained than ever and more physically sore than I have ever felt. It was like my mind had used up all my energy to dream. As I used my arms to lift my upper body into a seated position, every muscle silently groaned in protest. It felt like every movement was a workout all in its self. Surely I wasn't this sore from my workout yesterday? Waking up earlier than my alarm clock did nothing to help since my every movement was slower and needed to be more calculated than normal.

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