Chapter 76 - Ella's Party (Part 1)

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Alexa's POV:

"Ugh! Alessia why did you have to buy something so tight?" I complain as she tightens my corset. 

"For the last time, all corsets are tight! It's the dress code!" Alessia says handing me Ella's birthday invitation. It was the night of Ella's birthday and rather than the mansion gardens, she had decided to decorate the land around the pack house. After all, it was where most of the unmated wolves resided. She was eighteen today and would be able to find her mate, so it was a big day for the family. 

The invitation had a gold Grecian key border and was themed after the greek gods. The gardens matched the invite theme as stone statues stood proudly around the perimeter of the courtyard. Some missing limbs and others looking down on the guests walking below them. 

White lights lit up fountains and shone up towards the statues providing more than enough lighting. The sound of running water filled my ears, along with laughter and the light sound of music playing in the background.

"What's with the funky hat and spear?" I ask Alessia now taking in her outfit. Gold armour covered her forearms and shins, matching her gold and red helmet. She looked fierce when coupled with the sharp edge of the long spear she held in her right hand.

"I'm Athena the goddess of wisdom." She replies with a smile. "And because I'm feeling generous, here is some advice.." She said placing her left hand on my shoulder, looking directly into my eyes. "Follow your gut."

I raised my eyebrow. "I usually do."

"This time follow it, even if it's none of your business." Alessia says while stabbing the blunt end of the spear into the ground before looking appreciatively at my costume.

I left Alessia in charge of my outfit, needless to say she didn't disappoint. When Alessia said she was dressing me up as Selene I didn't know what to expect. Selene means moon in Greek, and us wolves worship the goddess of the moon as she is our creator. Humans believe all the gods, not to mention werewolves are all myths. Then again so did I a few weeks ago. 

My gown was long and white with a slit up the side. Silver lace elegantly wove over the top of the corset. If you look close enough you could actually see a wolf howling at the moon.

The silver tiara that sat on my head, dipped down towards my forehead and had a blue crystal crescent moon that dangled elegantly reflecting the light. 

"Oh all right! This costume rocks, even if I'm only able to take shallow breaths in it." I say rolling my eyes, earning myself a satisfied smirk from Alessia. 

"Now where is Ella?" She asked while glancing around aimlessly.

"Well, I'd assume she is smack in the centre of that large group of men over there." I say grabbing the sides of her head and pointing it in the direction behind her. "Oh goddess of wisdom.." I say mockingly near her ear. 

"Hey, no need to mock me." She replies, removing my hands from the sides of her face. "Besides I can't know everything at all times. When it counts most, is just fine with me." She says walking towards a set of tables and chairs.

Ella's POV:

"Aphrodite, the goddess of love." I replied for the hundredth time tonight, with a fake smile. I thought my eighteenth birthday would be more exciting, but after an hour of holding my hand out to all the men in our pack, I grew bored.

"Okay everyone I've come to accept that my mate is not already a part of our pack. I know a lot of you were surprised I didn't invite the whole school but I am honestly happy taking my time. Thank you all for coming tonight." I say to the crowd before me.

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