Chapter 92 - Spells and Magic

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Zander's POV:

I felt a little strange as we walked back through the forest, like something was missing. I could also sense Alexa's unease through our bond but didn't want to ask her while Alessia was here, in case it was something involving her.

We were on our way back to the mansion to see Ella. Alessia wanted to deliver the purple flowers to her personally and see if she had another reversal serum for her.

"Uh!" Ella gasped in shock as we walked through the large double door entrance. At first I thought it was because of the large Bouquet of purple flowers Alessia held in her hands, but then realised her attention wasn't on Alessia, but on me.

"What the-" Jax words were cut short as Ella hit him on the chest with the back of her hand. His eyes widened before he burst into a fit of laughter. It was like watching a domino effect, as everyone began laughing. Everyone apart from Alessia and Alexa of course.

Alessia wore a satisfied grin on her face. It was clear then, that she had done something to me. It was the reason I felt odd walking back home, and possibly why Alexa felt uneasy earlier.

I walked over to the mirror that hung high on the dining room wall to catch a glimpse at my reflection. "What!? My hair! What did you do!!!"

There was not a strand of hair on my perfectly round head. It looked pale and shiny as it reflected the lights that shined above me. The worst part was, it was not at all intimidating on me, which isn't good being that I am an Alpha.

"Don't worry Zander, you don't need hair to protect us, and it will grow back the second I get my wolf back." She remarked.

"Wolf? How did Zander take your wolf?" Jax asked with a look of perplexity crossing his face.

"Isn't it obvious? It has something to do with Alessia holding the wolfsbane flowers." Ella said grabbing a container to put them in.

"Zander may have accidentally barreled into Alessia causing her to fall into a pit filled with wolfsbane flowers." Alexa said biting her bottom lip. Man what I wouldn't give to be biting that lip. "You wouldn't happen to have an antidote for her would you?"

"I have a few actually and I'll be able to start working on storing a larger supply with the amount you've brought back this time. It will be more than enough for all the warriors at this rate."

Alessia followed Ella to her research lab, and Alexa wondered over to the cold meal we didn't get a change to eat earlier. She heated up the food for Jax, and the both of us before we all sat down at the table.

"I completed some of the tasks you had on the larger pile of paperwork sitting on your desk, but got stumped when I came across your idea of purple armour for our warriors? What's wrong with the silver armour we have stored away?

"Well, I have yet to talk to Alexa about this, but it was just an idea."

"What was your idea Zander? I'd love to hear about it." Every ounce of Alexa's focus was on me, patiently waiting for a reply.
"I thought if we could find a way to add the wolfsbane flowers into the metal of the armour it would give us an edge against rogues or other enemy wolves."

"Brother, have you forgotten the wolfsbane flowers effect you and I also?"

"That's brilliant!" Alexa exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as her thoughts swelled and jumped from one thought to the next. I could feel her unrestrained excitement at the challenge, and the idea of giving our warriors the upper hand. "If there was a way to create an antidote that lasts half a day at the least, we may be able to make the armours wolfsbane ineffective to our warriors. It would be risky though and we would need some time to develop and test it. I wouldn't want to risk it harming our warriors. Any shortcuts and we could lose the war before it even begins."

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