Chapter 38 - Fountain of Tears

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Alexa's POV:

My mum wasn't home. She was probably out looking for her two kids that disappeared. I didn't even have my phone to call her and tell her I was fine. I briefly recall leaving my clothes and belongings hanging somewhere in a bag so it must be inside it. I decided to run upstairs to change out of these fancy clothes.
Once I was inside and undressing I jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice.

"Hey sorry about this morning I used up every bit of our energy before changing back so found it hard to stay conscious and close to you. The spell seems to overcome me when I am weakened but im starting to get stronger now, thanks to you."

It was Glimmer, but I couldn't make sense of anything she was saying. "What spell are you talking about and why were you weakened?"

"The spell that's been suppressing me for the last eight years. The first shift took an incredible amount of our strength and most others end up laying in the same spot exhausted but I was on a mission to find Abe, and besides we are more powerful than all of them put together."

Okay, first shift? Suppressing her? Find Abe. Now I was really confused. "So did you find my brother?"

"You mean our brother? I managed to track down his scent and made it all the way to town but the border faded and I grew tired and didn't want cross onto possible enemy lands in a weakened state. I am connected to him enough to know he got injured but is alive. I think being twins helps."

"What? His.. his hurt? Where is he?" As I panicked over the news I knocked into my bedside table. My favourite picture plummeted to the ground causing the glass to crack. As the glass cracked so too did my strong facade and all my adrenaline since this morning. I fell to my knees in a heap of tears. I cried and cried as my heart ached and felt heavier than it ever had before.

Funny coincidence that the grey heavy clouds that hung low in the sky near my window, began shedding its own tears. The rain hammered against my window and the sound of the howling wind covered some of my loud cries.

I cried because my brother was hurt, I cried because I let my guard down around Zander, I cried because I was talking to myself, because I was going crazy, because I had been attacked by vampires and because since then strange things have been happening. I let out all of my pain, worry and frustration.

The curve of my cheeks guided each salty tear down towards the frame that I tightly gripped in my hands, that were resting on my knees.

Tap, tap, tap. The soft sound of my tears hitting the cracked glass shouldn't have been audible with the howling wind and heavy rain smashing against my bedroom window, but it was.

"Oh sweety are you alright?" My mother rushed over to me and engulfed me into a hug. I didn't even hear her come in. I was in lacy underwear crying on the floor holding my broken picture frame. The only one I have with my father before he died. Dad was holding me and mum was holding Abe. We were dressed in cute pink and blue onesies and each had a matching pendant around our necks. The view of our parents smiling happily was the constant reminder of how love should look like. The love I was waiting for.

Mum didn't question me the entire time, all she cared about was if I was okay. My mother was always there for me no matter what, and it was the love and warmth of her embrace that had me ugly crying, and this time I couldn't stop. She just held me there and we both cried together for what felt like an hour.

"Any news on Abe." I managed to ask her as my breathing returned to normal.

"Unfortunately no, we haven't had any luck. I believe his okay though we just have to wait for him to return to us."

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