Chapter 47 - Planes, Glimmer, Action!

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Alexa's POV:

"Mum do you really have to walk so fast? The plane doesn't leave for another twenty minutes." I say dragging both our luggage's behind us as she fiddles with our passports.

Friday the 4th of May came around in a flash, and and before I knew it Mum, Alessia, Wendy and I were in the air. This was the first time going to Raindrop falls without Abe. Wendy and Alessia haven't tagged along before but wanted to come along to take our minds off Abe.

"Oh my gosh this is so exciting!" Alessia squealed while clapping her hands in the seat to my right. I heard the people behind us groan, as the seat in front of them bounced. Pretty sure one of their drinks almost fell off the tray.

"You always told me how beautiful Raindrop falls is, and I finally get to see what the fuss is all about!"

We talk about one of the common restaurants Mum and I like to eat at, and about my favourite waterfall that lands into a beautiful body of water. It's the one thing I can never get enough of. Swimming there is like a little piece of heaven. 

"Excuse me ladies, can I get you anything to drink?" The beautiful flight attendant asks as she gives us a friendly smile. The type of smile that's been perfected over years and years of practice. Not a strand of hair was out of place, stuck there by an entire can of hair spray. At least that's all I could smell when she approached our isle, and by the looks of Alessia's slightly scrunched up nose, I was sure she would agree.

"Oh can I please have a cup of ice?" I ask as Alessia frowns at me. "What? It's so hot today! I haven't stopped sweating all morning." I say trying to justify my odd request.

"If you say so Alexa.. I'm wearing a jumper and the aircon is on full, and directly aimed at your face. You're normally the one who's always cold?" Alessia says while drinking a can of coke. 

After ten hours of trying to pass the time with music and movies on a little screen, I began fiddling with the broken fan above my head that decided to no longer work. "I can't believe you broke it!" Alessia scolded me in a whisper.

"It's not my fault, it said max but was blowing out warm air!" I scoffed.

"Alexa you must be coming down with something, I was getting goosebumps from here!"

I ignored Alessia's comment and shut my eyes to pretend to sleep. We finally touched down onto the runway. "Thank you for flying with bright star airlines today. The only airline that connects the world to this beautiful sanctuary we call raindrop falls. Please remember all your belongings and enjoy your stay." The pilot announced from the front of the plane. 

The plane we were on was much smaller than the others at the airport. It looked new and felt quite comfortable. There were also less passengers than the usually crowded plane we were used to, that felt like it would fall apart at any second.

I felt like a celebrity with the amount of staff and attention Alessia and I received. Not to mention the top shelf champagne the air hostess kept offering us when our mothers weren't looking.

"Mum what's with the plane change this time?" I ask as we were handed our overhead baggage by another staff member. "We normally fly economy in a huge crowded plane, always needing to catch a connecting flight, then a taxi to the main town. Why the change?"

"I received a pay rise the other day and heard a new airline recently opened up going directly into the town next door. I thought you would have liked the special treatment and being almost the only ones on board? I can book the cheaper flight for the way home if you like?" Mum said smirking at Alessia's widened eyes and quick shake of her head.

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