Chapter 118 - Ultimate Sacrifice

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Zander's POV:

Through all the pain in my chest caused by the loss of my father, I almost missed Alexa's emotions. As I let my walls down, guilt, sadness and hope hit me with such force I almost lost my balance. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her through the mind link. 

"The only way to end this, is to sacrifice myself. Whatever Mike did with Vivian, do it. Zander please. I can't have your death on my conscious too."

"No! There has to be another way! If you die Alexa we die together. It's my choice, do you hear me!" I yelled through the link sending all my frustration her way. She needed to know how serious I was.

I saw the hopelessness cross her face but her gaze never once strayed away from the witch.

"There's no time. I can't hesitate Zander. I love you."

I frantically looked around trying to figure out what we could do. "Ella! Is Alessia with you? I could really use her wise words right now. Alexa's about to sacrifice herself! She thinks it's the only way."

"She's with me." Ella spoke, her words sounded pained. "She knows Zander, she's the one who told her what she needs to do." Ella said with a small sob ending the link before I could say another word.

Red hot rage filled me. Alexa somehow knew she was going to die even before this war. I suspected it, but didn't want to admit it. I could see it in the way she avoided talking about our daughter. She held back from shopping for baby items or allowing herself to get excited. I wasn't the only one to notice either. 

Having no choice but to come to terms with what was about to happen, I came close and fell to my knees watching everything unfold around me.

Alexa looked like a goddess. Her long white magical dress moved delicately in the moonlight and held strong against the blue white flames that licked at her skin. I could feel her heat all the way here where I sat a few metres away. 

Alexa walked with purpose, her flames disintegrating every attack the witch sent her way. I could see the desperation and panic in her movement as she frantically tried to keep Alexa at a safe distance to no avail.

Alexa raised her right arm freezing the witch in her place. "You're exactly like me!" The witch yelled in a final attempt to get my mate to stop. "Seeking revenge for those I killed."

"I don't seek revenge. I'm here to forgive you." Alexa's angelic voice held no hatred or menace. "If I was to murder you in cold blood, you wouldn't end up with your mate. He is waiting for you." As understanding crossed the witches face I saw her shoulders sag in defeat. "I can make all the pain and anger go away. I can cleanse your soul of all its hatred and darkness.. if you let me."

"Something like that.. requires a steep price to be paid." The witch said, no longer fighting Alexa's advances as she stood a few centimetres away.

"It does." Alexa agreed.

"During the eclipse when I received all that power, I saw what you tried to conceal. You are with child. If you do this, you will both die." She said with a look of skepticism in her voice. She didn't believe Alexa was willing to make the final sacrifice for her. For the world.

My eyes widened in shock. She knew since then and didn't say anything. It still didn't change anything since she wanted Alexa dead anyway. I wondered why she was bringing it all up now. Why was she no longer fighting for her life?

"I am not afraid of death child. Most of me died when my mate did. There is one thing I want more than revenge, but thought I could never have it after everything I have done. I want to see my mate again."

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