Chapter 54 - Challenge

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Zander's POV:

Alexa was so beautiful, and her body reacted so easily to me.

From her beautiful glowing rainbow eyes, to her large perky breasts that spilled out between my tight gripping fingers, everything about her was perfect. My cock was so hard and would twitch every time she would moan or whisper my name into the night sky. 

When I finally told her to come, she screamed my name, and I heard it on repeat. My wolf replayed it in my mind until it was perfectly engraved into my memory. Shadow was happily prancing around in my mind, knowing we pleased our mate. It wasn't often he showed this kind of excitement but I felt the exact same way.

Just as she came, we also had the strong urge to mark her. I imagined my canines elongating and descending into her sweet delicate flesh making her mine for eternity. Unfortunately I am an Alpha to be, which means we have to first have my Alpha ceremony and then her initiation into the pack prior to me marking her. That didn't seem to stop Shadow though.

I felt my gums tingle as my canines grew into sharp points. I was fighting shadow for control. Thankfully something Alexa did snapped our attention back onto her. As she came screaming my name, her body heat intensified and I felt the oxygen thin out around me. The iron grip that she had around my biceps singed the hair and skin wherever her hands touched. I didn't draw attention to it not wanting to make her feel bad, since I knew my wolf would heal it within a few minutes anyway. I could tell Alexa was special. I didn't know what I did to deserve her but I would thank the moon goddess for her from this day on.

I smirked as I watched Alexa grab her dress and pull her straps up. I quickly grabbed a shirt from one of the stashes hidden for us wolves in the trees. It was long enough to cover the burnt hand prints that marked my flesh. She blushed adorably at realising my gaze never left her, and turned away hoping I wouldn't see the evidence painted on her cheeks.

"So, uh.. I feel like I need to admit something to you." She said swallowing nervously.

"Do you now?" I reply looking at her intently. 

"I.. uh.. I am not normally like that." She says.

"Hmm.. which part exactly?" I reply amused at her discomfort. "The part where you were frustrated at me for not fucking you, or the part where you were rubbing yourself against my abs?" She slapped me against the shoulder at my teasing, but I saw the pink blush darken just a bit.

"All of the above. You're kind of.. the first guy I've let touch me like that." She said avoiding eye contact with me while we walked back towards the house. 

"That's not something to be ashamed of Alexa. I know the situation wasn't ideal for you." I said watching my words before saying the wrong thing. "Realising we were mates during your heat was as much a shock to me as it was to you, but I want you to know I'll never take advantage of you. We'll take things at your pace."

She smiled at me just as the back door to the cabin came into view and flew open. Our attention was now on my sister and Alessia who both had knowing smirks on their faces.

"You seem to be walking perfectly fine for someone who just lost their virginity." Alessia says leaning her back against the wall. Ella's eyes widen as she looks at Alexa.

Alexa's face contorts into one of horror, knowing if she didn't decide to open up to me, her best friend would have said way too much. 

I could tell she didn't feel comfortable with this topic just yet in front of Ella and I, so I answered for her.

"What we did or didn't do, stays between us unless we decide otherwise." I heard a relieved sigh from Alexa, and earned a glare from Alessia and a frown from Ella who was about to retort.

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