Chapter 13 - Nightmare

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**Warning - little steamy ahead. **

Zander's POV:

I made my way out of the office and headed towards my room. Jax had first watch with another warrior and I was going to meet up with Ed just before midnight for the shift change. That left me with enough time to do a little pack work, shower and try get a small amount of sleep before the long night ahead.

I never bothered replacing my shirt earlier after giving mine to Alexa. After the bus ride I shifted into my wolf and ran straight towards the pack-house carrying my remaining clothes in my school bag. Once I arrived, I went straight to the meeting and now here I was shirtless and staring at myself in the mirror. Alexa obviously liked what she saw and I didn't miss Shadows tail wagging in the back of my mind listening in on my thoughts. He really has been acting much happier since we met Alexa.

I placed some clean clothes on the vanity near the bathroom sink and jumped into the steaming hot spray of water. As the hot water soaked my hair and bounced off the curves of my body, I could feel all the stress and tension overwhelming me evaporate. It went down the drain along with the dirty soap water.

My shower is special in that I have a second tap that is for the pressure of the water, it's my favourite feature. I raised the force of the water until it sprayed with unforgiving force. It felt amazing against my hard tired muscles and was exactly what I needed after today. My eyes were closed and my soapy right hand drifted towards my shaft. Images of Alexa flashed brightly in my mind. Her stunning grey eyes, sexy grin, her tight jeans that wrapped around her curves in all the right places, had me almost come undone as I stroked myself.

My other hand raised, leaning against the tiled wall to support my weight as I got close. What sent me over the edge was the images Shadow sent my way. Alexa in a tight dress wearing nothing underneath as we fucked her against a wall hard and fast. Another image of her kneeling in front of me with parted lips looking deep into my eyes, my hand tangled in her soft beautiful hair as I plunged my.. "Ugh!" I squirt against the tiles in front of me, watching it run down the wall into the drain. As my breathing steadies and I come down from my high.

Did I really just do that? It's been so long since I've even allowed myself the time to do that, and I am never interested in any of the girls around the pack that keep throwing themselves at me. I know it's the power and title they crave and not me which is a major turn off. I swore to wait for my mate after Rachel, but Alexa has me weakening and wondering what things would be like with her.

After rinsing, I turned off the water, got out of the shower and dried myself. I only put on a pair of shorts as i knew I would just have to take them off when I needed to shift in a few hours.

As my head sunk into the pillow, and my muscles relaxed, it didn't take me long to fall asleep. Unfortunately my dreams kept me in a restless state of mind. I saw a woman who seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. She was angelic, had long silver hair with random strands that reflected all colours of the rainbow. That wasn't even the best part. Her eyes were glowing so brightly I thought I was looking into the full moon with double vision. Looking closer I could see shimmering colours move and change within her irises.

After gazing at this beautiful goddess like woman, I noticed a black cloaked figure standing to the side of her. I couldn't make out any features apart from her red thin lips that held a few deep lines around them. A heavy cold feeling of uneasiness weighed me down like a sinking boulder in a fast flowing river. Not even the strong current of the girl could save me from the cold chill that clung to my skin and hair. My goose bumps didn't rise even though I could feel the familiar tingles envelope my arms and neck.

The cloaked lady began speaking to me. "Give, me the girl and I will leave you alone, give me the girl and your pack will be free." The beautiful girl looked straight at me with such sadness. It was as if she knew an alpha would always prioritize the pack above all else. She gave me a sad smile before speaking; "It's okay, I've accepted my fate for it was written in the stars long before my time. What is meant to be, qawill be."

"No." I found myself screaming in panic, as I saw the hooded figure approach her. The woman grabbed the girls silver hair and yanked it back so that her neck was stretched and exposed.

"No, leave her alone!" I yelled letting my anger and desperation curl around each word.

The cloaked figure's croaky voice sounded old and unused. "If you give me the girl, I will spare your pack. If you give me the girl you can all be free." I heard the voice bounce off the rock walls causing an echo, fading as it drifted further away. The voice was definitely female however there was no warmth or kindness in it. Just a sternness that made the blood in my veins freeze.

In that second a sharp wavy blade appeared in the woman's hand like magic and was brought to the beautiful girls neck. As she pressed gharder I could see red crimson blood slowly make its way down her throat. She was trying to be brave and hide her trembling fingers and the fear in her eyes, but when her eyes widened I screamed...


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up Zander!"

I woke up to Jax's widened panicked eyes. He had each of his fingers wrapped around my shoulders shaking me. I felt his sharp claws puncture my skin like he lost control of his wolf. I opened my eyes but he kept shaking me and yelling at me to wake up. It took my body a minute to catch up with my mind before I harshly pushed him off me. I felt disorientated and cold. Very cold. His sigh of relief was instant and he didn't even react when his body landed on the floor with a loud thud. He just sat there staring at me in silence as if I had grown two heads and breathed fire.

I took in a breath before speaking; "I didn't push you that hard did I? Surely your vocal chords still work?" He didn't reply. In fact I couldn't even see the rise and fall of his chest. He wasn't even breathing, just staring at me.

I was about to stand up and go to him when he finally took a deep breath in. I noticed his fingers were trembling and his eyes were starting to well up with tears. "Little bro are you okay?" I asked in a slow calm voice like you would a pup who's startled and is about to run away. He looked at me now like I just grew a third head to match the other two. His eyebrows were raised and his face was pale and covered with a thin layer of sweat. His fingers still trembling but he was trying to hide them in his palms. At least his breath was forcibly steady, unlike his heart. I could hear it trying to jump out of his chest. I've never seen Jax look so... scared.

"" he cleared his throat.
"Am I ok?" he scoffed in disbelief.
"Ed mind linked me to see if I had seen you as you were meant to start patrol thirty minutes ago. I said no and that I'll check your room, and that's when... when..." Jax froze like he had no words that could express what happened. After a few long minutes on taking slow deep breaths he continued. "That's when I heard you, heck I think the whole pack could hear you. You were screaming. I could hear the sound of your wolf in your agonising cry. Also, you kept saying "No! leave her alone!" At that moment Ed walked in and leaned against the wall listening to Jax with unwavering focus. "I thought you were having a nightmare or a panic attack but when I came in... you were covered in sweat and thrashing..." Jax voice hitched and he paused like he was trying to find more words.

"That doesn't sound so bad little bro I'm -" Jax cut me off before I could finish.

"No! You don't understand!" He took another big breath. "You were crying, screaming and thrashing..... in the air! Anytime I'd touch you, a strong electrical current would zap me back and your nose would bleed. That's when I jumped on top of you and held on with my claws. It was excruciating but I didn't know what else to do to snap you out of it." Jax was shaking now and I knew from the fear in his eyes and in Ed's that this was not some prank.

For the first time in my life I was speechless, and for the second time today we were in dads office discussing the future of the pack as if our lives depended on it. Because they did.

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