Chapter 35 - Pain

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Zander's POV:

"Quick something must be wrong, we need to go!" I told her as I grabbed her hand and led her out of the room in search for the others.

I mind linked Ed and Jax in that time who said they were all fine so I went to check on Ella as she had her mind link closed off for some reason. I flung open the door Ed told me she was in and what I saw next would be etched into my memory against my will for eternity. Why didn't I just knock like a normal person?

"Uh!" Ella gasped at the sudden intrusion. Ella's naked back and long blond hair clung to her clammy skin as Ben thrusted his hips between her legs impatiently before realising someone was at the door. Just as he made eye contact with my stunned expression, Alexa quickly grabbed the door handle from my frozen hands and slammed the door shut in front of our faces.

The exasperated look Alexa gave me, was what snapped me out of my stunned state. "They.. they should have locked it if they were-" I couldn't even finish my sentence without cringing.

"You should have knocked!" Alexa scolded me resting one hand on her hip. Her phone rang saving me from our current conversation.

Alexa's POV:

"Mum is everything-"

"Abe was on the phone to me but something happened!"

"What happened? Did he say where he was?" Mum was speechless for a few seconds.

"He was at that party but out the front. I only know a little. I could hear crunching of twigs and leaves under his feet as he walked, and music playing in the background. He sounded like he was in pain. Alexa I need the address!"

I went completely numb. Within seconds I felt like both ice and burning flames ran through my veins at the same time. I felt pain in my heart just from the thought of losing my brother. 

My mind went back to what Zander had said earlier about someone being in danger because of the red flashing lights I saw earlier. I had registered briefly that Zander was in my face with both hands on my shoulders questioning me but I couldn't speak.

Zander took the phone to talk to my mother with a worried expression on his face, but I couldn't focus on anything but the pain. I couldn't move, and anytime I tried, my head would throb and my heart would ache twice as much. I felt pain in my limbs also, but nothing was happening to me physically.

Within a minute Zander had picked me up bridal style and placed me on the bed in the room we were in earlier. I was facing the window which he had opened to allow some fresh air to surround us. His eyes looked at mine strangely, and I could see green around my peripheral vision but had no idea where it was coming from. I knew he saw something wrong with me by his reaction but I didn't know what. He was staring into my eyes.

I couldn't move, I couldn't even look away. I was useless to everyone, including Abe. My twin brother needed me more than ever right now and I was letting him down. I couldn't hear anything apart from the sound of blood rushing in my ears, a distant howling of a wolf, and a voice. Glimmer's voice...

As Zander left the room she spoke again but this time I could understand her better. "We need to go, he is calling us." As Glimmer spoke my body began to move on its own. My bare-feet padded down the stairs frantically and weaved in between clusters of drunken teens. Glimmer had grabbed a bag on the way through the kitchen and out the front door. It was like I was watching through her eyes and unable to control anything, weird right?

I didn't think things could get more weird until the green glow I was seeing earlier, was following me around coming from my dress. The funny thing was, it was only visible when we past a window. I didn't know what was happening to me but I knew I needed to find Abe and fast! As long as Glimmer was helping me, I wasn't going to complain. 

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