Chapter 21 - Losing Her Before I Had Her

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Zander's POV:

I woke up that morning to my alarm. I hardly got any sleep. A part of me was afraid of becoming an Alpha without my Luna, the other part of me was terrified I would be connected to that evil witch again. I got up, showered and got dressed for the day. When I checked the time, I realised I had missed the bus. Shadow was beyond mad at me. He wanted to see Alexa and was so angry that we began to take it out on the kitchen staff and Jax who decided to stay home today.

"Didn't take you long." I heard Jax mutter under his breath, narrowly missing the chopping board I piffed at his head.

It didn't take long for word to get out about my foul mood. Everyone stayed out of my way and was trying really hard not to trigger shadow and I in anyway.

I ran to the school and changed behind a tree. I didn't just miss the bus, I had missed a few classes too. It was almost lunchtime so I decided to hang outside in the fresh air until the bell rang. I figured it would be a good time to talk to Alexa. I felt adamant that it would help me get shadow under control for a while. For some reason she was all he could think about and if something didn't go his way he would end up hurting someone or breaking something.

"Don't act like you haven't been dying to get your hands on her since you met her." Shadow replied to my thoughts. "You're right I don't know what it is about her that makes us so.. crazy." I agreed.

The sound of the bell rang into the clearing. I bagan making my way towards the cafeteria. I couldn't smell her for some reason today. All I could smell were other peoples scent and a weird perfume. I glanced towards her usual table and saw someone in a huge hoodie. Wait a minute, it was her but I could hardly see her face. I recognise that hoodie, it was one of mine? "That makes no sense, surely yours isn't the only one made. Maybe it's her brothers?" Shadow responded, but I could see he liked the idea of her wearing our clothes. His mood instantly changed to happy and I was getting whiplash from all our mood swings.

Now that shadow was about to become Alpha he was taking more control of everything and I had to fight twice as hard to contain him.

As I approached her, all I could hear was her stomach growling. I made a detour to the food line and everyone parted allowing me to skip the line. "Guess everyone is scared of angering you Shadow." I said to my wolf. He just smirked and said; "If it gets Alexa fed sooner, I don't see a problem." He was right of course, I couldn't disagree with that.

"Hey." I said standing behind Alexa. She turned around and I couldn't believe the state she was in. She was so pale and looked extremely tired. Then there was her bloodshot eyes. She looked like she had been crying all night. An anger so strong coursed through my veins and it took everything in me to close my eyes and stay composed. Shadow wanted me to comfort her and kill the person who caused her this much distress. I reminded him that we will only end up scaring her away, we needed to let her open up to us on her own.

"Oh, hi Zander." her voice was sweet but sounded weak, even the smile she sent me looked a little forced which had Shadow whining in my mind. It was a struggle for both of us to see her this way.

I took a seat beside her and slid her the tray of food. I had a feeling she would refuse it, if I had said I bought it for her, so I told her I had no appetite and not to bother arguing because I won't take no for an answer. I also told her I would even spoon feed her if I had to. Shadow was not so secretly hoping for that.

I noticed she sat by herself today but didn't want to bring it up in case she had a fight with her friend Alessia. I didn't want to trigger a meltdown. It would be too risky with how Shadow and I have been acting today.

"Thank you." She said with a genuine smile. I watched her pick up her fork and put a mouthful of tortellini into her mouth. What she did next had me almost take her against the table and mark her on the spot. She moaned and it was the best sound I had ever heard. It was so quiet but it was all Shadow and I could hear in our minds on repeat. I realised Shadow began to take control so I closed my eyes hoping she wouldn't notice. I had to keep them closed for a few seconds but when I heard her heart rate skyrocket, then felt her stand up and run, I opened them. I sat there by myself confused at what happened. I called out to her but she kept running. Shit. Maybe she saw me after all and freaked out? "Run after her! Make sure she's okay!" Shadow yelled, urging me to follow. "We can't if she's scared of us, it will only make things worse. We need to give her space so she knows we're not a threat."

I watched her disappear. After a while the bell rang indicating the end of lunch. I went to our maths class hoping she would turn up. I made Ed sit in the front row. He wasn't happy but also didn't have a death wish, so did as he was told. I sat in his spot so she could sit in the seat that now had her name on it. The seat everyone now knew was hers. I smiled at the memory but frowned when everyone else was seated except for her. Surely she wouldn't have gone all the way home?

A few minutes later my sister knocked on the door and said she needed borrow Alexa. "What? How does she know Alexa and why would she take her out of class?" Shadow asked. "Surely what she said last night wasn't about our Alexa?" Shadow was both intrigued and annoyed at the lack of information we had.

I jumped up and exited the classroom with Ella once she realised Alexa wasn't inside. The teacher was one of the wolves from my pack so didn't even bother to question me, especially today. I was positive he had been warned by the others, as the teachers still have to treat us the same most of the time to not raise suspicion amongst the humans.

"Why do you need to see Alexa?" I questioned Ella sternly.

"She kind of has something of mine I need back, and we agreed to meet at her math's class." My sister paled and was visibly nervous now and that is not a trait I'm used to seeing on her.

"I may be the reason she isn't here." I admitted, walking down the corridors. Our voices echoed off the lockers as I told her about the situation at lunch. Ella wasn't convinced I was the reason she left.

"Trust me Zander, even if she saw your eyes she wouldn't have run from you because of it, that I am certain."

Now I was extremely confused, it sounded like Ella knew her very well. "It would be an expected reaction for a human to run when something paranormal pops out. If I'm not the cause, what is, and where do you think she might have gone?"

"Her wounds may have needed to be redressed again." Ella replied with a shrug.

"Her what?!?" Shadows claws replaced my nails, as his growl merged with my own. I didn't even try to stop him this time.

Ella's eyes widened as she looked me in the eyes before tilting her head in submission looking away. "Zander I promise you she will be okay, but I need you to calm down. We are at school and if she sees you like this she will freak!"

Ella was right. No matter how angry I was, it wasn't going to help the situation, just make matters worse. I took a few deep calming breaths attempting to regain control, and that's when I smelled it.

Blood. Lots and lots of blood.

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