Chapter 94 - Selfless

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Alexa's POV:

I chose to take the bus home that day as I needed time to myself. Time to think, and time to come to terms with the large possibility that my baby and I may not survive the war.

How could I have gone from finding out I'm pregnant to having to come to terms with us not surviving, in the space of a day? 

My head knew if it meant saving the world, my life and my babies life was of no importance in comparison to the trillions of people we would be saving.

My heart on the other hand wanted me to run far enough away to protect my baby at all costs. Unfortunately, it wasn't that simple. I am a Luna now, and I wouldn't abandon my people or put Zander in the position to choose between us. I would live what remaining life I have left with the people I love most. I would keep this crippling secret, and spare Zander the pain of knowing, just as Alessia had tried to do for me.

The quiet bus ride soon came to an end. Stepping out into the crisp afternoon air I tried to push my thoughts and feeling to the back, and focus on my next task.

If I can do a little good to help out a friend before my time is up, then I can go peacefully and know I did my best to help those I love and care for. 

I walked into the kitchen to find Jax and Ella sitting on the kitchen stools. She squealed approaching me and wrapped her warm arms around me excitedly.

"I hope you don't mind, Zander and Jax filled me in on this mornings events. I can't believe we're going to have a little nephew running around here! It's soo exciting! I'm going to be an aunty!

"A niece." Glimmer mumbled in our mind after hearing me say it was a girl enough times already. The most I could muster was a small smile before I walked over and flicked on the kettle.

I took out two tea bags, two tea cups and placed them on the kitchen bench. I saw Ella frown at my lack of response then look to the two cups in front of me. 

I mind linked her; "I need to talk with Jax alone for a few minutes if that's okay?"

Ella smiled and nodded. "Well I have a lot of things to prepare for, so I'll leave you guys to it for a while." Ella said as she left the room. 

Jax looked to be daydreaming, and not paying much attention. It was a perfect time for me to poor Alessia's potion into his tea cup. I approached him and slid him his tea. 

"No thanks Alexa, I know you're up to something. I could tell by the way Ella left the room."

Well crap! He's on to me. "Jax do you trust me as your Luna?" I ask trying another approach. 

"You already know the answer to that. What's in the tea?" Jax asked bringing his eyes up and away from the steaming cup to study me.

I gave him a small smile. "I do." I say ignoring his last question. "What you don't know is, how much I trust you. I wish to officially appoint you as my guardian. My protector." 

His eyes widened in surprise. "Are you.. sure I would be the best fit?"

"I'm positive, but you are welcome to refuse of course. This position holds a lot of danger especially now that the war is soon upon us, and I am the main target." I reply sipping my tea. 

"I would be honoured Luna." Jax used my title before bringing his right arm across his chest and bowing his head. 

"There is something you should know before accepting, and it's a steep price to pay I'm afraid. I don't expect you to accept this." I had an idea that could go either way but knowing Jax I felt like it would work.

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