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"Class, you will be having an exam about our lesson next week."

I groaned when Miss Jihyo announced that to the class. When I checked the syllabus, we were supposed to have a quiz before the quarterly exams. So, I had two things to be frustrated about — the quiz and the exam.

"Hell, I have to study," I said to myself as I packed my things after Miss Jihyo dismissed us. I knew that our friends would choose to cram, and I wanted to save myself from that. Should I still ask my friends?

"Want me to study with you?" Taehyun asked with a smug smile on his face. Oh, how I wanted to punch him now. I did not answer him and just continued arranging my books. I planned to study in the library since, based on experience, it was the most peaceful place in the school.

I looked around and got the perfect chance to ask them when they bundled up in a corner.

"Hey, want to study with me today?" I asked my four girl friends, silently hoping that at least one would agree.

"I'm sorry, I can't go with you today, Chae," they answered at different times, which made me pout. They showered me with apologies and sweet words. I had to chuckle at their sweet gesture... I was not mad at all. I respected their space.

"It's okay!" I beamed a smile at them. "If you need me, I'm just in the library."

"I told you, Chae," I held my chest in shock when Taehyun suddenly spoke behind me. I rolled my eyes as I watched how my friends looked at me with teasing faces... not only the girls but the boys too. For some reason, most of us had been getting along.

"No, thank you," I said in a stern tone as I left the room.

After that, I set the trail to the library as I walked down the hallway, with some of the books in my hand since they did not fit inside my bag. I made a mental note to buy a new bag in the market next week.

I went to the library and made it a priority to secure a good seat first. I was planning to pull an all-nighter, so I had to be comfortable. I took the seat with a couch and beside a window. I placed my bag on the sofa, but then I noticed a tumbler sitting on the table. It might be someone who forgot to bring it.

Feeling satisfied, I headed to the human warfare section. I actually wanted to borrow other books, but my list is pretty complete. But I guess I'm overworking myself.

Once I reached the section I was looking for, my soul almost flew out of my body when I saw Taehyun there, reading a human warfare book. I kept my composure and searched for a good and helpful textbook. I was searching for around five.

"Chae..." He called, but I ignored him. I did not have time to listen to what he was going to say. I was focused on studying for this day. But, his mere presence was enough to send me off a cliff due to annoyance.

I said before that the library was the most peaceful place in this school. I take that back. Wherever Taehyun was, he would bring the complete opposite of peace. Especially with that fucking smirk of his that never left his face since earlier.

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