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tw // mention of death


"This way! This way!"

Lia has been shouting nonstop and guiding her schoolmates to the demon's sanctuary. Ryujin told her that it was the best place to hide them.

While the others were fighting the faceless monsters, Lia took the job of getting her schoolmates to safety.

Albeit alone, Cleopatra's daughter managed to pacify her schoolmates — with the use of her hypnotizing powers too. Even the vampires followed her orders.

"What is happening?!" Those were the words she had heard endlessly. While she wanted to tell them the truth, time was their biggest enemy.

However, that didn't mean the girl wasn't stressed out.

"Lia..." Cleopatra's daughter turned to look at the familiar voice. "I'll take this from here. You can take the other half to the ice headquarters."

"Miss Jihyo..." Lia smiled and couldn't help but envelope the older into an embrace — catching her by surprise.

"I'm sorry for suspecting you." Her voice cracked. When Lia found out that Miss Jihyo was innocent, she felt mad at herself for doing so.

Jennie did not teach her to be judgmental.

"I couldn't blame you," Jihyo chuckled as tears brimmed in her eyes. She was not exactly fine now after she had been captured, but she was thankful that Taehyun and Ryujin rescued her.

"It's alright now...." The older wiped the tears of the younger. "Hush, my child."

"Lia! Lia!" Both of them turned back to see an exhausted Ryujin running over to them. Jihyo's lips parted as she saw Ryujin's full demon form for the first time. She was too weak to observe her earlier.

"Miss Jihyo!" Ryujin exclaimed and hugged her for a moment, making their professor chuckle before returning the embrace.

"What is it?" Lia asked. She couldn't help but worry about what was happening there — especially since she didn't know if Soobin was alright or not.

"We have a problem...." The demon answered. "We need your help."

"I ha—" Miss Jihyo cut Lia off.

"Go now, Lia," she urged. "I can handle it from here."

"Miss Jihyo, you're too weak," Lia reasoned out. "You're still wounded!"

However, what greeted them next gave them a glimpse of hope over their dilemma. There stood Cleopatra and her lover, Mr. Taehyung, behind them.

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