974 61 58

tw // death


"Good morning, Ms. Cleopatra!"

The group greeted each other when Lia and Jennie entered the room. It was a school day, but they opted to come in their vacant time. After all, it would be an emotional morning.

"You must be my baby's friends," Jennie chuckled before smiling at Soobin, who offered her a chair. Of course, being a good shot is a must.

The vampire rolled his eyes when Beomgyu and Kai smirked at him. On the other hand, Yeonjun looked sad. Only Taehyun knew about Yeonjun's problem with Yeji.

Even though Lia was happy that her mother knew her friends, she could not help but feel nervous... especially when meeting her father. Her mother never told her a single name, so the anonymity made her nerve-wracked.

"Where is he, mommy?" Lia whispered to her mother. Jennie smiled before replying, "Just wait, baby. He's going to come any minute now."

For some reason, Chaeryeong and Taehyun looked bothered by it — as if something was on the back of their head, but they could not seem to pinpoint it.

As if on cue, someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it," Ryujin said before making her way towards the door. When she opened it, her brows almost furrowed as she saw Ningning. "Hey!"

Lia had to look away from that. She couldn't get the Ningning and Soobin scene out of her head until now. She was embarrassed of feeling jealous.

"Hey..." Ningning smiled. "Is Lia and Ms. Cleopatra here?"

That was when Taehyun and Chaeryeong looked at each other — they were already getting suspicious. Primarily because of what they saw in the library. Couldn't it be...

"You must be...." Everyone could see how Jennie's eyes glossed with tears. "Ningning! It's lovely to meet you, dear."

Jennie stood up to hug the shocked younger girl but stopped when she saw a familiar presence standing behind her. And, there it was again.

Would it be a crime to say if her heart never stopped beating for him after all these years?

Soobin and Lia were not fools to not notice what was happening. The shock was painted on their faces... so that explained why Taehyung was so concerned for them.

"Jennie," Taehyung acknowledged, trying to hide the fact that he was still head-over-heels for Cleopatra.

"I-is he... my father?" Lia failed to maintain her composure — even if she acted tough, she still longed for the presence of her father.

Taehyung, who showed a strict image all his life, broke down as he hugged his daughter. Their sobs filled the room — with each tear showing how much they missed each other.

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