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It has been a month.

A month since I used my last wish.

A month since I last saw my friends.

A month since I left Monster High.

And a month since I left Beomgyu.


"I know my last wish now," I told Yuna.

Yuna's eyes gleed with happiness as she flashed me her gorgeous wide smile. I could not help but smile bitterly at her in return.

For some, my reason would be selfish. But to me, I knew that it was for the best. Monster High gave me no air to breathe.

It left us breathless.

Would the world be mad if I chose myself first?

"Be happy," I smiled, trying to hold back my tears. "All of you... Especially, Beomgyu.

What she failed to notice was how my tone seemed like someone who would bid her farewells. Ah, how I will miss this.

I just hoped they did not miss me too much. I wanted them to move forward without me.


I had no contact whatsoever with them, even Yeonjun. Jaemin told me that Yeonjun and Beomgyu wanted to visit me, but I told him to refuse.


There was no second in my life when I would not wonder if he was doing alright. Was he happy like what I wished to Yuna? How was he doing? Was his life better than before?

After the battle, I told Jaemin that I would leave... And not give my friends a goodbye. Yes, I was still a coward. I did not have the guts to face them.

Nevertheless, I heard that Monster High was doing well with Miss Jihyo being the Headmistress. Deserve.

Human Warfare was also indefinitely removed from the curriculum. Jaemin said that the faculty would consider changing it into a human-vampire history class.

"Ryujin!" I flinched in my place when I heard my father's voice. I rushed to where he was, only to see him trying to cook chicken for my mom.

"What did you burn?" That was my automatic response because dad would always burn the kitchen. He took hell as our home way too seriously.

"My love for your mom," dad managed to say a damn pickup line while my lips fell agape when I saw that he burned the couch!

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