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Nine out of ten.

Those were the number of the members of the group that chose to eat lunch with each other. After the fight, Yeji stopped hanging out with them. She even refused to sleep in the dorms, making everyone worry about her.

Who knows where the hell she slept?

Among everyone, Yeonjun was the most worried about the girl. It even came to the point that he would choose not to sleep just to look for Yeji. He was fine with them not making up, but for the very least, he wanted her safe.

In class, too, they would not talk to each other. The pair activity became solo all of a sudden. Miss Jihyo noticed this too, but she cared about her students' mental health too. She did not want to force the two to talk if they could not.

As for the school pageant, it was as if Yeonjun and Yeji communicated through their minds. Yeonjun stepped in to lead the preparation of the batch's representatives. Yeji, on the other hand, opted to make herself busy with the school pageant itself.

Yeji volunteered to perform a dance production number on the day of the school pageant.

She knew that what she did was wrong, but pride was getting the best of her at this moment. So, she decided just to dance. It was her outlet to release her feelings—both the anger... but mostly the anticipation.

She is anticipating being with her friends again... with Yeonjun.

Yeji would see her friends in their usual spot in the cafeteria. Unbeknownst to them, she was looking at her friend group. She would lie if she said that she did not miss them. She was itching to sit with her friends again.

To be honest, she slept with her acquaintances in the angels' headquarters. Since her mother and some angels were friends, Yeji got to know a few of them. It was not as comfortable as sleeping with Yuna and Chaeryeong, but she felt that that was her only choice.

The reason why she was afraid of apologizing was because she thought that Lia and Ryujin would not forgive her.

Among the five of them, Lia and Ryujin were the fiercest and quite hard-headed ones. Maybe that was the reason why they clicked so well. Nevertheless, they both had strong personalities that intimidated the cat-eyed girl.

What she does not know is that Ryujin and Lia were the ones who came with Yeonjun to look for Yeji. Ryujin even had to bug Beomgyu or Junkyu just to find her. The three of them already forgave Yeji way before she over-thought it.

Their lunch in the cafeteria was significantly silent and awkward. Lia and Beomgyu, the talkative ones of the group, started to become quiet too. Only Yuna and Kai tried to bring back their life inside of them.

"Excuse me," Yeonjun said as he stood up with his tray, walking over to the staff to surrender his. The hybrid's mind was filled with the thoughts of Yeji that he found it hard to focus on anything. After all, he likes Yeji.

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