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It was finally the day of the school pageant.

Monsters of all kinds are pacing back and forth. Some were tending to their representatives. Some were helping to prepare the stage. Some were freeloading on the side. And some were... just eating the free food.

Yeji, on the other hand, was frantic about two things. First, she was nervous about her production number later. And second, she also returned to help her friends prepare everything they needed for the school pageant.

It would be much more bearable for Yeji if there were someone with her... Choi Yeonjun. But the boy was always missing in action. She would often see him in a corner, but he would always walk away when she would come near him.

This has gone for days now. And Yeji never saw Yeonjun approach the others as well.

"We should add more color here," Yeji said as she pointed to the undereye of Lia. Ryujin nodded and took the eyeshadow brush before adding more makeup to Lia's face. She was the one in charge of Lia's makeup look.

"Do I look edgy now?" Lia asked as she made a rock-and-roll sign with her hand and made weird poses in front of the mirror. Ryujin took a hand mirror and threatened to hit her with it. "Ryu, will you calm down?!"

"I can manually make your makeup look rough, Jisu," Ryujin glared as Lia just pursed her lips, afraid of the latter. The hybrid continued fixing the girl's makeup as Yeji was on standby to check if there were any adjustments to be made.

"Have you seen Yeonjun?" Yeji asked as her eyes wandered around. Ryujin gave her a bitter smile and shook her head as Yeji returned the smile as well. It was an understatement to say that Yeji was sad.

She was wrecked.

Yeji decided to make her way to the boys now. Beomgyu, being the artist he was, was the one in charge of Soobin's makeup look. Unlike Lia's, Soobin's look was much more detailed and colorful. Talk about Harley Quinn.

"Is everything all good?" Taehyun turned his head to look at Yeji, who had just asked him. He was the one instructing Beomgyu on what to adjust, mainly kind of Yeji's job too. Except that he was not confident with his suggestions.

"I think..." He answered as his eyes returned to look at Beomgyu. When Yeji looked at Soobin, her mouth fell agape at what she saw. Soobin looked like the embodiment of Harley Quinn. Indeed, Beomgyu did a great job.

"Yeji..." Beomgyu called, making the latter look at him. He forcefully held Soobin by the chin and pushed it in Yeji's direction, making the girl chuckle and the vampire frown. "I did a great job, right? Right, Yeji, right?"

"Yeah... yeah..." Yeji chuckled at how cute Beomgyu was. Afterwards, she bid farewell to the boys as she felt confident that the preparations would run smoothly. She decided to practice on her production number now.

On the other hand, Yuna was glaring at someone from a distance. Just a little feet away from her, she could see Kai having fun with a pageant candidate. She was actually with Kai earlier, but she left him when he met her.

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