Harry Chestpain - Request

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a/n I really had a lot off problems writing this, but I tried to push trough. Sorry if it's really bad :(

Also I need some new ideas, please comment them :)

Harry POV

I had chest pains now for the last few weeks maybe once or twice a day. Just a random sharp pain somewhere in the middle, around like my heart or something. The pain didn't last long, they were just sharp and short.

I already went to the doctors to check and see what's wrong. But after some tests, they said I was perfectly fine and healthy. They didn't really believe me, so who would right?

I decided to not tell the others, because I was healthy right? So this problem would just go away eventually on his own, entirely on his own.

We had a fan meeting around three o'clock, and than a concert at seven.

I already woke up tired, but what do you expect with the crazy schedule we had over the last few weeks. This was the only day that we had somehow almost nothing to do.

Everyone was tired, not to mention that Liam had the flu for a few days. But management still made him perform and do the things we would have done normally. You could tell that he was running on his last battery. But we all pushed trough, we just simply had too.

I was sat beside Niall, Liam and Louis were sat in front of us. We were al quietly eating, nobody had really much to say.


A fan meeting is normally really great, you got to meat your fans who all got you to this point where we are now. But the energy didn't seem to be there today.

"Hey love what's your name" I asked, while I crouched down to the small girl.
She giggled and smiled, "emily". She was maybe six years old or something.
"Well Nice to meet you emily, do you want an hug?" I asked, already opening my arms for her.
She immediately wrapped her arms around me.

She gave one last small wave before walking away with her mother.


The first sharp pain came when we were in our dressing room, getting ready for the show.

I hissed, and tried to take in a deep breath.
"You alright there H?" Liam said immediately concerned, walking to me and taking an seat beside me on the couch.
"Yeah" I said, trying to sound convinced.
"Really huh" Lou said cutting me off, walking in front me, just coming out of the room from doing his hair.
"You look in pain s'all" Lou said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well i'm fine" I said a little harsher than my normal tone.
"No need to be so snappy" Lou muttered under his breath. I simply glared back at him.
"No need to fight now okay" Liam said, his hand giving my shoulder a squeeze.
Why wouldn't they just stop asking questions, I don't need to be looked after. I'm the youngest but that doesn't mean that I can not take care of myself.
There's nothing wrong, the doctor said so.


The concert was going alright, until our last song came on. The energy was high, the adrenaline was going trough our bodies.

The intro started playing, Niall immediately started to play the first chords. The screams were so loud, louder than they ever were before.

The pain wasn't immediately there but came on like a slow burn, that slow burn emerged to flame. And that flame became stronger, and started to really hurt.

With a hand balled in a fist, laying it on my heart. Breathing became painful and hard. I saw the confused and concerned glances from the other lads. I wasn't jumping around anymore.

My solo came next, I did my very best to sound good, but I knew that my words came out strained and flat.

Liam walked up beside me and asked if I was alright, I just nodded trough the pain.

The pain never lasted this long, normally it was only a few seconds to half a minute.

The pain never subsided, it only seemed to get worse.


The platform went down after the final notes from the music, the lads all had their hands on my back, leading me to our dressing room.

Where someone was already waiting for me, she asked me questions to figure out what was wrong. I only shook or nodded my head at the questions.

The lads were looking very concerned at me, my breathing eventually became a little more easy. More air could fill my lungs.


"Do you have asthma" the kind lady asked.
"Uhm I had it when I was a child, but I haven't thought about in years" I shrugged.
"Do you have these pains after exercise?"
"Yeah I guess?" I said back.
"How long has this been going on?" Liam said, cutting the lady off.
"Uhm a few weeks" I answered back, looking down, scratching my neck.
"For weeks really H"
"Well what's wrong with him" Lou said a little inpatient towards the lady.
"Well I'm thinking about two things, firstly his asthma, does he have an inhaler just in case?" She asked to no one particular.
"Yeah I mean I think we do"
"Great, if you don't, get it arranged"
"And what was the other thing you said what it could be?" Niall asked, speaking up for the fiets time, biting his nails nervously.
"It could just be exercise-induced bronchospasm, also called EIB. You get that immediately after stopping an exercise, in the center of the chest. You can get pain or tiredness in the muscles from that." She said.
Well that was a lot.
"Is that like serious?"
"Not necessarily, but we have to monitor it if you want of course" she turned to me at the end.
"Yeah, I guess so"
"alright, well I would say, get a lot of rest in between activities. And I will see you boys soon." She said, standing up.
"Thank you"

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