Liam Migraine

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a/n I've never had a migraine before in my life, so I asked my mom who had some in the past for info. But some things can still be incorrect, sorry :)
Anyways 1300+ words yayy


Liam POV

I groaned silently to myself when I woke up in a newly made hotel room. Sharing the room with Harry, seeing that he was still asleep.

My alarms blared again, signaling to be turned off. Which i did, my hand blindly tapping the bed side table till I found my phone. Finally that blaring sound was shut off.

I knew that I had to wake Harry soon but I couldn't seem to get the energy myself to get out off bed and move. It was like all my energy just vanished, with an blow in the wind.

It was quiet odd because I've never really had this before, I was always the first one up. An early bird as they would say.

I was messaging my temples without even noticing it, that was till Harry shook me. I suddenly locked eyes with him, big green eyes staring at me.

"You were like zoned out or something" he said.
"What?" I asked him questionably.
"I called your name a few times but you were just gone till I shook you, you okay?" He said, tone concerned but soft.
"Yeah I'm okay?" I said back, but ended more in an question to mostly myself.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know really, I just feel off, and I feel an slight headache coming up." I said. Figured that it be best if somebody at least know about it. No point in trying to lie.
"You felt fine Yesterday right?"
"Yeah course"
"If not you better tell me" he said, trying to sound firm.
"No haz, I'm sure, that's it"
"Well do you think you can last the day?"
"Well yeah I think so, hopefully it just doesn't get to worse."
"You should tell this to the others as well"
"Yeah I will, but first I have to get up"

Walking into the little bathroom that came with the suite, looking myself up and down in the mirror.
I truly looked like a mess. My hair was all over the place, my skin also looked a little pale.
Hopefully it just stays with an headache. And nothing more is going to come around the corner.

We had an interview first for some nearby radio station. Then we had an album signing, we had put on a lot of hard work into it, and the fans seemed to love it. A lot of late night writing sessions went into the lyrics of the new songs.
So we were al pretty exited to meet some fans and see what they are gonna say about it.
Lastly we have an Quik photo shoot. Our main photo shoot is going to happen in a few days, for some new magazine.

I heard a knock on the door and Harry his voice was heard.
Opening the door and looking at him, "you were in there for a while mate, we've gotta go"
"Yeah sorry" I said rubbing my forehead.
"Don't be, come on"


The interview went by smoothly, well as good as it can be. The headache had slightly worsened and I really dreaded to do the signing.

Singing meant so much noise and many people in one place.

We were sitting in our places. I was sitting second in the row, Harry on my left and Niall and Louis on the other side of me.

The doors openend and there the fans came, screaming our names, asking away immediately. They all had different things with them to sign, some albums, some shirts and even a pair of shoes.

We were almost done and I felt myself kind off drowning. It was weird to describe really, the noice seemed to bother me way more than it did before this day. The headache was Literal painful now, and I couldn't just ignore it anymore.

Just a few more fans I kept reminding myself. I could this, not long now.

I knew that the others saw how my handwriting had worsened, it wasn't all nice anymore, it was messy.


Walking out of the room, we were being lead to the bus, but when my eyes hit the sunlight, i made an small Yelp. Closing my eyes immediately, stumbling slightly, bumping into somebody.
I felt somebody catch me and holding me up. My hand on my eyes, not daring to take them off.

"Wow payno you Alright? You took a stumble there" Louis said, concerned but very loud, way to loud.
I just moaned in response.
"Is the light bothering you?" A voice asked quietly, noticing the voice to be Niall. I somewhat nodded, feeling dizzy all of an sudden.
"Here, take these." Harry said, handing me some sunglasses. I gladly grabbed them and put them on.
"The walk is short to the bus, Paul is waiting for us there. Come on, he will check you over" Louis said.

Louis helped me upright on one side and Harry took his place on the other side of me, leading me along the way, helping me. Thank god for that, because I wouldn't have made two steps without them.


Sitting down on the big soft sofa, Paul crouching down in front of me.
"Alright lads, talk to me a little here, what happend?" Paul asked, looking around the room to the others.
"He had a headache all day, but he is so much more worse after the singing, the light is obviously bothering him, that's why he is wearing my sunglasses. And the noice bothering him as well I think." Harry said with an soft tone.
"Is that right Liam?" Paul said a little to hard for
My liking.
Groaning but nodding.
"Have you ever had a migraine before Liam?" He the asked.
"No" I whispered back.
"Well I think you have one now." He said back sympathetically much more soft this time.

Suddenly slapping a hand over my mouth, being hit with an sudden wave of nausea.
"Somebody get a bowl or something" Paul said.
Meanwhile Niall was already searching the cupboards for one, quickly returning it and giving it to Paul, who then hold it under my chin.
"You've gotta let it oud bud"
I shook my head, making the nausea only more worse. I hated to be sick, I mean who don't?
"You feel better after come on." He said rubbing my back with his other hand.
I couldn't hold in any longer, and heaved over the bowl. Every gag was sending an sharp pain to my head.

I felt dead tired after trowhing up for several minutes. Like I used all my energy.
"Let's get some meds in you, then you can sleep bud" Paul said with sympathy.
Louis brought the meds form the nearby cabinet.
Paul muttered a quiet thanks back.


After hours somebody shook me awake gently, instantly pain shot trough my head, groaning.
"We are going to stop at Nando's, what do you want?" Harry whispered.
"Don't wanna" I tried to say, but it was all mumbled by the pillow, that I hurried my head in. So it sounded like 'don wn'.
"You haven't eaten in an bit, we'll just get something in case, should I get some more meds?"
Nodding into my pillow.
"Alright, wait a minute before you fall asleep again" he whispered before standing up and getting the meds I think.

Louis POV

"Still not better?" I asked toward Harry, who walked into the room, straight to the cabinet with all the medicine.
"He's a bit worse than he was a few hours ago" I said back with sympathy.
"Does he want anything to eat?" Niall asked then.
Harry shook his head, "he don't wanna, figured that maybe some meds would help with the pain that he's feeling right now"
"Yeah probably" I said back. Looking after Harry, who walked back towards the bunks.

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