Niall Throwing up and Fainting

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a/n finally a update again, sorry it's been so long.
I have no excuses really

Anyways hope you liked this new one, decided to do a Niall one again.

This is so bad because I haven't written in so long

Please leave some ideas in the comments ;)


Liam POV
It was time to wake everyone up, we had a few days off from doing concerts. What leaves us with allot of free time for writing for the new album.

We already written a few songs, and we were working in sort off teams of two.
Me and Louis would mostly write together and Niall and Harry would also write together.

I walked into the bunk area and saw Niall still sleeping. Frowning slightly, his cheeks were red flushed and his skin was a pale white color.
Was he sick?

I shook him gently. His blue eyes fluttered open slowly, looking up to me with the saddest expressieve yet.
"Don feel good li" he said, voice still lingering of sleep.
"Yeah I already figured bud" I said, grimacing.
He sighed softly,
"maybe some food wil do good?" I suggested.
"Mmmh maybe"
"Figured its worth a try, come on, I'll help you"  I said.
Walking slowly together to the table where we always had our food when we are on the road.

The other two lads were already there, immediately looking at us concerned. Seeing as I was practically guiding Niall. He had not much energy left, even stumbled a few times.
I sat him down quietly, "what hurts?" I asked.
"My tummy, and feel sick even just looking at the food"
"Sorry to disappoint you, but you have to try and eat some thing."
"I know"
"Haz can you go and grab some medicine for him"
"Yeah course" he said before quickly standing up and walking towards the medicine cabinet on the other side of the bus.

He came back with a glass of water as Well.
"Thanks haz" I said, handing the tablets and glass to Niall.
He drowned the pills quickly.
"You want Some toast nu?" Louis asked.
Niall hummed back, eyes lazy glancing around.

Louis made some toast ready, but just as he wanted to give it to him. I saw Niall slumping his hand across his mouth, looking panicked.
"Okay hold on Ni" I said, while taking him with me to the the small bathroom, just in time before he started to gag.
He started throwing up, he gagged with force.
I was rubbing slow circles on his back, while watching him whimper in between the gags.
"Its Okay, almost done Yeah" I soothed.

I was really thankful that Harry and Louis didn't follow us, the bathroom itself was already small enough. And his claustrophobia would only make it worse if we were al camped up in here together. Especially if he was being sick as well.

It took a few minutes but eventually he was dry gagging till he was just breathing heavily.
"Alright you did good, try and catch your breath first okay" I said, still rubbing his back.
His knees suddenly gave out and just collapsed into my arms.
"Okay Ni. Its okay" sitting him down against me.
"Mmh" he whimpered.
"Ssshh your okay, I know that it was awful but your done now yeah?"
"Still feel sick"
"Like your gonna throw up?"
He nodded back. Eyes drooping.
"Don't fall asleep yet Ni, try and stay awake a bit more" I said.
"Mm trying"
"I Know, let's get you back, you can sleep a bit more in your bunk. We have nothing to do anyways today."

*** 3 hours later ***

We all decided to just skip the writing today and just chill out for a bit while also taking care of Niall.
Harry and Louis were in an intense match off FIFA.
Harry of course was telling all about how Louis was cheating.
I must admit that it was quiet funny just watching them play.

When all of a sudden we al heard a crash coming from the bunks and then nothing.
We all looked at each other, immediately standing up and going to where the sound was coming from.

Nothing could prepare us for what we were about to see.
Niall was sprawled across the floor in front of the bunks, unconscious. His sheets were covered in sick, he probably threw up before he fainted or in his sleep.

"Fuck li what do we do" Harry asked panicked, suddenly feeling like the youngest.
"Uhm Harry call Paul, Lou get a glass of water, I'll put him in recovery position" I said.

I Heard Harry in the distance on the phone talking to Paul. Louis came back with a glass of water and handed it to me.
I Quickly dropped some water on his neck, spreading it around a bit as well on his forehead.
Niall grunted quietly before blinking his eyes back open.
"Welcome back Ni, take it easy for a bit yeah"
"Feel weird"
"Yeah you fainted Ni, what happend" Louis said.
"Threw up in my sleep, wanted to go to the bathroom but I guess I fainted" he said slowly, eyebrows crinkled together.

Harry came walking back, crouching down besides us.
"Paul is coming over, he will be here with in a few minutes. " he informed us.
"Good thank Harry" I said, smiling at him.
"How are you doing Ni?" Harry asked.
"Okay I guess, still feel sick" he admitted.

Just then the door openend of the bus and Paul came walking to us.
"Hello boys, hi Ni, you feeling okay"
Niall shrugged his shoulders in response.
We all helped him into a sitting position before he suddenly gagged, quickly shoving a bowl under his chin.
He mostly brought up stomach acid, because his tummy was mostly empty due the lack of eating.
"You're doing well Ni" Louis said, keeping his sweaty hair from his forehead while Paul crouched down behind him, rubbing his back.
Harry had gone od to grab a new glass of water while I held the bowl in front of him. His hands simply shook to much to be holding it steady.

Niall continued to be sick for two more days. It were a long two days but he got a bitter day by day.
Hoping that no one else caught it.

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