Louis Toothache (Larry) - Request

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a/n how was your day?

Mine was okay, not bad, not good either lmao. This idea was requested so I want to say thank you to that person. <3  hope this is what you meant?

Having a few requests left, making my way through them now.

- Harry is also a dentist in this story.
- changing POV's throughout

Louis POV

My mouth was aching for a day or two in all possibility. I knew what was wrong though, I wasn't that dumb yet.

I won't let anyone look at that because I have a terrible fear of the dentist. I feel childish when I am thinking about it. No one of the other boys had this problem besides me of course.

I had a fear of it since I was young, my sisters always laughed at me when the time came of the yearly check up in the past. My mother had to coax me into going with them. There were a lot of tears shed.

So of course I knew that it was best to tell one of the other boys for help. To maybe book an appointment for me to check of everything still alright. But my mind simply wouldn't let me.

And besides all that, Harry was qualified as a dentist. He would love to help us all. I love Harry and all but that was just a bit to much.

Right now we were on a break from the tour. I was at home with Harry and the boys would be coming over later to chill and watch a movie with us.

We would order in food and just enjoy each other's company for the night. I didn't look forward to it all, I had to eat and they would be watching me. So I have to force down food.

"Lou you alright?" Harry said. Snapping me out of my trance. I looked up to his concerned green eyes and nodded. "You sure, you seemed deep in thought.?" He asked.

I nodded once more "yeah I am fine. Don't worry..".
He looked at me funny for a moment before letting it go.

The doorbell rung about a hour later. My mouth began to throb but I nonetheless opened the door with the biggest smile I could muster.
They all greeted me and said their hello to Harry as well.

"I am starving." Niall exclaimed. "You always are mate." Liam chuckled. "I am not.." Niall said. "You are." Zayn said. Niall pouted for a moment before turning to Harry. "When are you going to order?" He asked. "Well I can order now if everyone is alright with that.?" He asked.

Liam and Zayn both nodded.
"Yeah.." I said with a fake smile. Quickly dropping it when nobody was looking.
Harry ordered pizza for us all.

The pizza came and the movie was started. It was probably some sappy romcom that Harry had put on. Everyone was really invested in it to my surprise. Which gave me some bit spare time to figure out how to deal with the pizza that was laying in the box on my lap.

I couldn't chew because of the amount of hurt my gums were in. Apparently I was caught mid act when I felt a pair of eyes burning towards me.
Green eyes met my blue ones.

Harry POV

I wasn't stupid and knew that Louis had problems with his food for a few days at least now. The fact that hurt the most was why he just wouldn't admit it so I could help him.

I know that he is scared of the dentist, but I would never hurt him. I caught him mid act when he tried to pretend to have eaten something. He just shoved it around.

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