Louis Spiked drink

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a/n sorry for no story's the past few days, things were a little hectic at home.

I hope this is okay, I'll start writing the requests that I got over the next few days.


Louis POV

Being on tour was one of the best things ever as a artist. Seeing and meeting the fans have been incredible, standing every night in front of another huge crowd. The atmosphere is just so good when your out there with the lads, having the best time ever.

Sometimes when the adrenaline was still high in our system and we weren't tired yet, we would go to a club or party, for the after.

We wouldn't get that drunk, because we would have to be up early again the next day, but a drink here and there was alright, getting tipsy as someone would say.

Paul or one of the others were always with us, watching us, to see if we wouldn't do anything dump.
And saving us when we would take it a little too far.

Right now, me, Ni, Harry and li were all in some club in this town that we never have been before, having an great blast. We all had already had some beers already.

Niall and Harry were talking with people on the far other side of the club, me and Liam were sitting at the bar, ordering another drink.

I felt good, life was good.

Some things started to feel though after some time, I felt very hot very suddenly. Never felt anything like this before. My hands started to tingle slightly, maybe even shaking a bit. My movements seemed to go in slow motion. My mind felt very foggy. I shrugged it off, thinking that I must have drunk to much. Liam was sitting beside me, taking another sip from his drink, he didn't seemed to have any of the symptoms.

Everything felt heavy, my whole body. My words weren't even slurred anymore, everything I tried to say came out as mumbles.
It was like my energy was completely drained.

Dropping my head in my hands before me, leaning on the bar. Can't even holding my own head up anymore.

Liam POV

Louis didn't really seem like himself this particular night.
He didn't have any problems or any symptoms of sickness the past few days so why now so suddenly. But what really alarmed me, and set me into action was when he suddenly dropped his head in his hands, not really moving anymore. His body slack.

I quickly put my hands on his back, slightly shaking him. Not really getting any response physically, calling Paul Quickly, something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong this time.

He picked up on the second ring, not really understanding why I called, when he was just at the other side of the club by Harry and Niall.
Quickly telling him everything and most importantly that he needed to come here very fast.

Harry POV

Me and Niall were just out here talking to some random people with a drink in our hands. When suddenly Paul his mobile rang, he looked very confused at the caller id.
Me and Niall looked at each other and than back at Paul, seeing his facial expression complete change.
From confusion too fear.

He hanged up and looked at us, motioning to us to follow him.

Walking behind him, bumping in some people slightly on the way there.
What we saw was really concerning.

Liam was practically trying to Hold Louis up on his bar chair.
But what was more concerning was Louis who seemed unmoved, almost like he was knocked out after a fight.
My heart absolutely dropped to the pit in my stomach, and I wasn't the only one, judging by the looks of Niall and Paul.

"What in god names happend?" Paul asked quickly, taking his place on the other side of Louis.
"I don't know really, we were just drinking when he suddenly just dropped, I don't- I I- please tell me you know what's wrong with him" Liam said back, the stress of the situation getting to him.
"Okay it's alright, li yeah, calm down" Paul tried to sooth him while shaking Louis to try and get a response off him.

My eyes suddenly laid on another glass beside the two glasses that were still filled with beer. The two glasses they probably were drinking out of, but what was that empty glass beside that then?
Niall followed my eyes and seemed to catch on, on what I saw.
"Paul look theres another glass there" Niall said, while pouring to the empty glass.
Paul looked in his the direction he was pointing to and then to Liam with his eyebrows raised, waiting for a answer.
Liam just stood there confused, "I don't, I don't remember that we ordered that, someone must have put it there" he said in a hurried tone.

"Okay, Lets just get Louis out of this bar first, back to the hotel, I'll call a medic up there, waiting for us. Than we know more okay" Paul said

Back at the hotel, we were all waiting for the news on what what was wrong with our fellow band mate.
He was laying on the bed, motionless while the medic was checking up on him.
She turned around and smiled at us, "it seemed like your band mate was drugged" She said.
We just all looked at her in disbelief, who would do something like that?
"It was Most likely a common rape drug, who are often used at bars, you would have to take him to a hospital if you want to know what exact drug was used on him. Right now the only thing that you can really do, is just to wait the time that the drug goes trough his system."
We nodded back at her, trying to wrap this mess around our heads yet. We all seemed to be sobered up instantly.
"Will there be side affects?" Paul asked. Not really knowing anything, this whole thing was new to him too.
"Most likely yes, maybe he will have a fever or nausea, those two are the most common ones, all though he can get headaches or such. If he doesn't wake up in a few hours, take him to a hospital" she said back, smiling kindly. Before saying here goodbyes and waking out of the room.

Louis indeed woke up a few hours later, looking at us groggily, still feeling a little fuzzy and shaking. not really Remembering anything from the whole night to what happend.

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