Harry Sick at school

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a/n We have a date
Larry fiction coming July 29th
'To capture his heart'
Hope you will all read it when the time comes xx

P.s the most of you missed my latest chapter, check it out before you read this, I am proud of that one (Louis hurt his back during rehearsal)
That's all, have a nice day


The boys in this are all 15/16 years old :)
3rd person POV

Anne woke Harry up in the morning before he had to go school. Shaking him softly, "wake up baby, time to get to school"
Harry his eyes fluttered open softly, blinking a few times.
"Mum" Harry whined.
"What's it darling?"
"Don feel good" he mumbled.
"What doesn't feel good mmh" his mother asked before she sat down beside him on his bed.
"My head" Harry said, his tone soft, blinking up to his mother.
"You wanna stay home for today?"
"I can't, I have that important test that I told you about before" he mumbled.
"Can't you do the test another time darling?" Anne asked, stroking the boys back.
"No the teacher says that you can't take this one over, it's a one thing type" he mumbled back.
"Well Lets just get dressed and see how you feel then okay?"
Harry nodded back, trying to smile a little, but came out more as a grimace, nose scrunched up.

Harry strolled down the stairs slowly, meeting his mother downstairs at the kitchen table where she was making breakfast.
"You still wanna go?" His mother asked, turning to him.
Harry nodded back, leaning his head on his elbows on the table. Mumbling a quiet "I have to" after.
His mother sighed sympathetically, placing some cereal in front off him. Harry started spooning slowly, he didn't feel nauseous or had any stomach pain but that could come quickly.

He met his friends at the school gate, Niall, Liam and Louis were al waiting patiently for him. Seeing as he was normally earlier.
"You okay haz" Liam asked, worried as in why he was so late.
"Not really" Harry hummed.
"What's wrong?" Louis asked, now also alarmed by his friend.
"Had a headache since I woke up" Harry admitted.
"Why are you even here then?" Niall asked, Louis and Liam nodded along the question, not knowing why Harry couldn't stay home.
"We have that important test today remember" Harry said.
"Oh shoot, I completely forgot" Louis groaned.
"Wouldn't be the first time ey tommo" Niall said.
"Lads please, can we focus on Harry for now" Liam scolded.
Both boys nodded before looking at Harry again who was rubbing his forehead now.

"Does it feel worse?" Liam asked.
"Yeah" Harry said quietly, almost whispering.
"Do you think you can make it trough the test at all mate? No offense but you look miserable" Louis said.
Harry nodded "think I'm heading home after I do the test"
"Yeah, I think that that's best also" Liam said, guiding Harry to the right class room.

They always arrived early so it was just them as Ms Margot.
Ms Margot greeted the boys but frowned when she not gotten much response from Harry.
She made her way over to the end off classroom where they took their places for the test.
"Are you Alright dear?" She asked Harry, crouching down in front off his table.
Harry nodded back, head leaning on his hand, holding it up.
"Well if there is something, you can just come and tell me" she said cheerily before walking back to the front of the class room as more student gathered.

Liam kept side glancing to his dear friend who truly looked miserable.

The test begun, at first Harry seemed to get trough it till he saw that he only did about 25% of the test, and that he still had to do 75%. He looked around and saw that everyone was already half way done while he was still stuck.
He couldn't concentrate though, the pain in his head increased and it honestly felt like his skull was being smashed with a hammer.

He dropped his head in his arms who were folded on the table, whimpering slightly. He felt his own pulse form his heartbeat going trough his head.
Harry flinched slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Dear I think it's best if you go to the nurse" a voice spoke. Harry mumbled something back under his breath.
He openend his eyes and lifted his head a bit, seeing that it was Ms Margot. He looked around him and saw that the whole classroom already left, besides his friends.
"Wha happend" Harry asked.
"I hope you could tell us that mate, it seemed like you blacked out for a moment" Liam said.
Louis and Niall nodding along with their friend.
"Oh feel worse" Harry said.
"We already thought so, come on, let's get you to the nurse so you can go Home" Louis said.
"And what about my test"
"I'm gonna have a talk to see if you can do the test again" Ms Margot said.

His friends brought Harry trough the nurse.
"Hi darlings, what's the matter?" A nice woman asked.
"Harry here, has a headache and blacked out for a moment during the lesson" Liam said while pointing to Harry.
"Come on in dear, I'll give your parents a call" she spoke.
Harry was ushered to the nearby chair in the room. Him leaning back, with furrowed brows in pain. His arm made his way over his eyes, burrowing in it slightly.
"You all can go, I'll take good care of your friend in the mean time, his mum is on her way to get him. Thank you boys" she smiled kindly.
They all said their quick goodbye and made there way to their next lesson.

Anne smiled sympathetically when she saw Harry, looking worse then this morning when she found him.
"You ready to go home baby" she asked Harry, crouching down in front of him.
Harry nodded miserably, seeming way younger.
"Alright let's go" Anne said while she hosted Harry up to his feet. Harry leaned heavily into her side while they walked together to her car.

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