Niall Flu

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a/n it's been a while again sorry, some shit went down at home

Thinking about putting 'to capture his heart L.S' on a temporary on hold till I have 10-15 chapters pre written?

Anyways I want to dedicate this chapter to ObviouslyTilda28
For voting and reading the past few days, it means a lot, thank you <3


3rd person POV

Coughing was heard from in the distance, it seemed to get closer. Niall came walking in paler looking Niall then normally. The boys looked at him concerned, some stopped eating their toast by the appearance of their band mate.

"You look rough ni" Harry said. "Feel like it to" he mumbled back, taking a seat.
"What's wrong, you feel Ill?" Liam asked. Niall shrugged his shoulders, "dunno, think so"
"Do you think you can do the signing today?" Harry asked.
"Yeah I'll be alright" Niall said, "yeah, we'll be the judge of that ni" Louis said sympathetically. "Yeah Louis is right, what are your symptoms so I can grab some pills to help" Liam asked, still looking Niall up and down.
"Well I have this cough since I woke up and a headache is starting to form. I just feel kind of weak I guess, like I got no energy for this day whatsoever, aching and I probably will get a fever later this day I guess" Niall said.
"Aww ni, That's sounds really rough" Louis said.
"Yeah mate, sound like the usual flu symptoms to me" Liam said.
"Well we will look after you, just tell us if you need anything" Harry said.
"I'll go and look for some medicine, try and eat some toast" Liam said, already standing up and making his way to the small bathroom.

Liam came back with two differents packs of pills, him seeing that Niall now was eating slowly on a piece of toast.
"Here pop one of both in after you have eaten that toast" Liam said. Niall smiled gratefully back, already wanting this to end.

Paul came walking in the bus, seeing if they were almost ready to go the signing, luckily for Niall the only thing that was planned for today.
"You lot almost done with eating?" Paul asked, looking at them.
"Yeah were as good as ready" Louis said.
"There is one thing though" Harry said, looking at Paul. "Well whats wrong?" Paul asked back.
"Niall has the flu, we think" Harry said slowly. All the attention suddenly shifted to Niall. Paul made his way over to crouch down beside the boy who was staring at his hands.
Paul felt his forehead to feel indeed a little temperature. And when Paul took a good new look at Niall, he saw how pale he looked. Niall coughed at that exact moment. Paul thought about it for a moment, "has he already taken some medicine?" He asked.
"Yeah he just took two not so long ago after he was done eating a small piece of toast" Liam said, informing Paul.
"Okay, Niall do you feel Nauseated at any change?" Paul asked. Niall shook his head and grimaced at the aching in his head.
"That's good, something hurting or is just a cough?" He asked after.
"My head feels achy and I feel like I have no energetic whatsoever" Niall said, almost whispering.
Paul nodded, thinking about it for a moment. "Well I am sorry to tell you ni, but unless you are puking your gut up in the bathroom right now, I can't really do anything. So you still have to come to the signing." Paul said.

"Does he really have to Paul, I mean look at him, anyone can see that he is sick and he won't last trough this day" Louis said arguing with Paul.
"I am afraid that yes he have to. I can't phone management right now and tell them about a little flu, they would never allow him out of this. I am sorry"
"But what if you lie a little about it, tell them that Niall is throwing up every 5 minutes and stuff, that he didn't even could come out of bed this morning?" Louis said.
"I could lose my job Louis if I did that. They will surely check on him if he ends up staying and then I will hang because they will see that Niall is not that sick what you are describing right now. I will get fired and I don't want that, I still have kids and a wife waiting at home. I can't do that, sorry." Paul said sternly, already done with Louis his attitude in this point of view.
Louis looked down ashamed, "sorry I just feel bad for ni" he said.
"We all do Lou, trust me we all do." Paul said.
"We will make sure he is okay during the signing" Liam said. Now also trying to brighten up Louis as well as Niall.

They made there way to the building where the signing would be. They were all sat beside each other, Niall was sitting at the far end beside Liam, the lads had decided that it was best if Liam sat bedside him if something goes wrong or if Niall needs something. Liam is most responsible of us all, and he can handle these kind of situation the best out of all of us.

They were now half way trough, fans kept coming and coming. Some screaming and some to afraid to even talk. Some wanted a photo and some waned them to sign something weird.
Niall was okay till he felt like the heat building up. Niall looked around, he seemed to be the only one affected by the heath.
Liam looked and Niall and saw his discomfort, "you still okay?" He asked quietly, so the fans wouldn't hear.
Niall shook his head.
"Crap, what's wrong, you feel like throwing up or?"
"Feel the heat, feel like it is to much" Niall mumbled back, his movements slowed.
"You look like your about to faint, hold on" Liam said, catching the eyes of Paul who was standing in the corner watching over them with a few other body guards. Paul seemed to get it and made his way over to behind them. Paul leaned down as Liam whispered that Niall had to get a away for a moment in Paul his ear. Paul took a swift look at Niall and nodded to Liam.
Paul set his hands on Niall his shoulders, Niall leant back against him. Just as Paul Leaned down and whispered to Niall that he would take him for a quick break. Niall nodded, eyes darting around the room.

They quickly left the room together, the other lads seemed to notice Niall going away with Paul and looked at Liam concerned.
Liam just gave them a knowing look back.

Niall never came back after the quick break. Paul had him laying down on the backstage couch, sound asleep. When they first came, Nialls fever had spiked a little. Paul just decided to geld him back and not let him go back there, he already made it half way trough which was honestly way more then any of them expected.

The lads came walking in the room, al looking exhausted at this point.
"What happens Paul?" Louis asked first, eyeing Niall.
"His fever spiked, I decided to let him stay back here and sleep" Paul answered.
"Oh thank god, we really thought that something bad happend, that's why he never came back" Harry said, voice with relief.
"Don't worry, he will he just fine, this extra sleep will do him good. Well looking at all of you, who is ready to go back and rest as well" Paul said.
"Yeah that will be a good idea" Liam said, agreeing.

And that's what they did, they got back to the bus and just chilled and rest. They helped Niall taking some new medicine after a few hours. Who gladly excepted it. It took two more days until Niall was better and free from his flu symptoms. The lads and Paul helped as much as possible, and were happy when Niall came walking in two days later with that goofy smile, asking about food.

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