Harry Sick but feels left out - Request

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a/n this lovely idea was from SyupeoBWanna

I am so sorry for the long wait!!!
Anyways it turned out longer then I expected, hope you like it. :) got a bit carried away at one point oops

I am currently plotting two new story ideas since I finished 'broken soul' its first draft.
(One new one direction one since I don't really like the idea of the Larry one I started a while back.
And a sequel to 'broken soul'.)


3rd person POV

It was the year 2014 en were currently touring their new world tour. They were happy or at least they thought they were. Maybe it was the busy schedule from doing shows almost every day combined with the interviews. Or maybe it was something whole different.

Niall recently had his knee surgery. And it left him in pain during long and exhausting busy scheduled days. The attention shifted within the group.

"You good ni?" A worried Liam asked Niall who was sitting on one of the prompts on stage during one of the final rehearsals before there big show this year
"Yeah I am, just hurts a little, nothing new." Niall said shrugging his shoulders.
You see Harry was beginning to feel sick. His stomach begun to hurt and cramp. It honestly hurt a lot, they treated Niall as their youngest. But sometimes Harry wanted that role to shift. His role was a more mature one now. He wasn't really looked over anymore when he was sick like in the X factor days. The roles had shifted.

He hated it though, he knew that if he would say something about his stomach ache that they would just brush him off, especially with Niall his given recent surgery. It made him feel almost left out, like they didn't care so much about him anymore.

"I'll go grab some pain meds ni!" Zayn said, hurrying off backstage. "Good idea" Liam muttered, his eyes still on Niall who was now watching down on his knee, eyeing it. "Again guys I just need to rest it for a while, I'll be fine" Niall said, attempting to get everyone of his back for just a second.

Harry watched the whole scene unfold in front of him. A dulling ache in his stomach re appears and he laid his hand on top of it. Trying to soothe it. Nobody even noticed, about the posture change in him. "Maybe we should just call it a day? Tomorrow is the big day and I am sure we all practiced enough." Louis suggested. Zayn came walking back with some pain relief meds and a bottle of water.
"Here mate" Zayn said, handling the stuff to Niall. Niall shot him a grateful smile back. Swallowing the pills with a big gulp of water.

"I'll go talk to Paul about that idea mate." Liam said. He walked over to Paul to explain. And of course he agreed to call it a day for the boys. Management doesn't need to know about this one slip up. They can manage one slip up.


They were all on the bus, Niall was in the center of the couch, his knee elevated and out stretched in front of him. They were all squeezed up on the couch together. An episode of friends was playing on the television. Harry was on the far end of everyone. With was odd, he was normally the one in the center so he could cuddle up.

He was glad though that he was on the far end. His stomach ache turned into a nauseous feeling. He couldn't just tune it out anymore.
He stood up feeling a wave of dizziness going over him. He stood stil for a few seconds waiting for the spinning to stop or slow down. None of the other lads even watched him. He walked away without anybody commenting on it. They were all to invested in their episode and in the conversation that was going with Niall. They were talking about the rehabilitation process en what the next steps are in recovery.

Harry came to the bathroom and sunk down on his knees in front of the toilet. He coughed a few times but nothing was coming up yet. His lips were parted and he was breathing heavily above it. A knock on the door made him leave his little trance.
Louis his voice rang "you almost done yet? Need to use the restroom in peace mate?"
"Yeah.. I am done" Harry said, taking a deep breath before pushing himself up from the toilet. He openend the door and was met with a very annoyed looking Louis. "You took ages in their made, might wanna hurry up next time." He said.

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