Harry cold

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a/n it's been a while so sorry, but I've been sick myself, but still had to go and work.

And I want to thank you all so so much for the 1.1K reads, I never thought that anyone would even read this, so this means a lot <33

Again so sorry, hope you still enjoyed this :)


Harry POV

I woke up with my nose all stuffed, and an god awful cough, with resulted in a bit of a sore throat. I sniffled groaning to myself, this was going to be a long few days.

I probably got it from some sick fan during the fan meetings yesterday.

I heard a knock on my door, I muttered back a quiet 'come in'.
Liam stepped into the hotel room, smiling brightly.
"Hey H good morning"
"Morning" i said with a cough and sniff.
Liam his face immediately turned into a frown.
"You sick?"  He asked carefully.
I decided to just tell the truth, no point in trying to lie here, seeing as I indeed was felling quiet rough. And I think that I looked like a mess as well.
"Just a cold I think" I rasped back, looking him straight in the eyes.

That did nothing to ease his frown, "you think your up for a plane flight?"
"Yeah I will be okay" I answered back.
Suddenly remembering that we were about to step on a plane to fly to Australia. For some upcoming in events there.
I sniffed once more loudly, sighing. I couldn't really breath at all trough my nose. Maybe I should have thought this more over.

The door suddenly openend once again with a tired looking Niall and Louis walking in. There hair was still messed up and sticking up in all directions.
A tired yawn escaped Niall's mouth.
Liam chuckled, "you both finally up to"
"Yeah well you woke us up in a rush for some plane flight, and then we came up in here, and see that sleepy head still in bed" Louis said while pointing towards me.

I coughed in my elbow, that was enough to getting there attention.
"You okay" Louis said, sounding suddenly concerned.
"He got some case of a cold" Liam answered.
"How?" Niall asked next, probably wondering because I was just fine yesterday.
"Some fan must have been sick Yesterday" I answered, sniffling.
"You be okay?"
"I will be yeah"
"Because you sound really rough"
I hummed, because I not only sounded rough but felt like it too. Like I was just hit with a semi truck. Completely exhausted about the whole thing.

"Well we have a plane to catch, so go pack your suitcases" Liam said, clapping his hands. Signaling to both Niall and Louis to grab their bags and meet us in the lobby at 20 mins. That's where Paul and some other security members will be waiting on us, to bring to the airport.

The lobby was loud when I came walking out of the lift with my suitcase dragging behind me. Liam was walking beside me, already looking if everyone was there yet.


I felt much worse from the moment we lifted off the ground in to the air.
I was sat beside Niall, Louis and Liam in front of us, facing our way. Niall was sat by the window, like always. He always loved to watch the view and to see the clouds go by.

I haven't really stopped coughing form the moment that I took place in my seat.
"H you need some meds?" Liam asked suddenly.
I nodded back at him gratefully, he handed me a two pills and a nearby bottle of water.
"Thank mate" I rasped after taking them.
"No problem"

Sniffling once more followed by a few coughs in my fist. My eyes were already half closing.
"Sleep mate, we won't land anyway for a long time"
I hummed back, laying my head on Niall his shoulder as some kind of pillow, already drifting off.


I was shook awake by a voice that I all knew too well.
His accent really showing, blue stared at me.
"We're about to land" he informed.
"Thanks" I said back to Louis, taking my head off Niall his shoulder, looking around slowly.
"You feeling any better?" Liam asked.
I slowly shook my head, coughing as a response.
"Shoot, I really hoped that you could just sleep it off"
"Yeah I did too, but no luck" sniffling.

It was already 3 am when we got to our next hotel.
Out alarms would be going at 7 in the morning. Tomorrow we would first have 2 interviews, and then some free time before the concert that night.


Waking up in a daze, my nose was still blocked. And when I looked at the clock I realized that we were already going to be late for the first interview itself.

Lou did my heart pretty quickly, some make up was put on my face to make me look less sick. Or at least tried to get rid of the redness around my nose.

I was almost coughing my way trough the whole interview. I really was tired and not really in the mood for answering the same questions again and again.

Sniffling, coughing in my fist, muttering a quiet 'sorry' short after. Luckily the interviewer was very understanding and was not really directing any questions towards me, in which I was very grateful for.

The next interviewer however wasn't so nice about it and got quiet mad half way trough. As if I could decide when to cough and when not.

The lads kept glancing my way every once in while, probably wanting make sure that I was still okay enough to continue.

"That would be all, this was one direction and I will see you all the next time" the interviewer said before the cameras stopped filming.
Immediately sneezing loudly two times in the crook of my elbow.
Closing my eyes just for a split second, wanting nothing more than some meds and my bed to sleep the rest of this virus off.

"Hey Harry" a voice said.
I opened my eyes, locking with Liam his ones.
"You drifted off there for a bit"
"Don't mention it, you feel worse I guess?"
"Yeah, like I have no energy at all to do things, even just coughing is exhausting" I groaned, voice rough.

"Yeah I already thought so mate, well luckily only one more thing on the planning today and that's the concert tonight. So you will have some well deserved rest in between." Liam said, smiling sympathetically.
I hummed back.


The concert was about to start, we already heard the screams. I slept almost the whole time for the past few hours, only waking up to try and eat some things.

Sniffling before walking on the stage with the others beside me.
Hitting the first few notes, getting a sudden adrenaline rush.

My throat already started to hurt after only a few songs, we weren't even halfway trough the set list.

I felt an arm going around me.
"You still okay for the other songs?" Liam asked.
I shrugged in response, because I truly didn't know if I was able to finish this whole thing.
"We'll take over a few solos, don't worry. Don't put more pressure on your voice then needed" he said.
I nodded  back "will do"

I was really pushing trough the notes in the end, wanting this already to be over. I was so incredibly tired.
My notes probably sounded flat anyway so who cares.


"Good job lasting trough the whole thing mate" Louis said.
"Well I had to" I shrugged.
"You didn't but still did"
"Yeah H, you were great our there despite your cold" Niall said after.
Liam came walking over to me, places two white pills on my bedside table with a glass of water.

I quickly drowned the pills, wanting to feel anything that could give some relief.
"Get some sleep mate, tomorrow is free day, so you can have a rest" Liam informed us all.

I thanked the heavens for a off day Tomorrow, it really sounded good.

(a/n don't know how to end this help lmao)

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