Louis Fainting and sick

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a/n Surprise, started this in dec 2022, But never finished it.

Anyways hope your day is going well <3
Turning 21 next week, don't know how I feel about that.. 
Also my second novel will be released on Amazon at the end of this month :)


3rd person POV

"Are you okay Lou?" Liam asked, looking at his friend concerned. He was crouched down on the ground, eyes closed, trying to take deep breaths. Liam crouched down besides him, hand on his back, rubbing up and down slowly. The other three boys were stood in a circle around them. They were just sound checking for the concert tomorrow.

Louis had already woken up sickly. He tried throwing up early this morning, but nothing came up. So he just decided to suck it up and continue on with the day.
"I'm okay." Louis answered shortly, looking back up. Harry handed him a bottle of water. "Thank you haz." He said, voice soft. Taking the bottle from his hands, taking small sips. Trying to settle his stomach. "Sorry, It just felt like I was going to throw up for a sec, got incredible dizzy for a moment." Louis explained, standing back up with Liam his support. "Do you think you can continue the rehearsal?" He asks him. Louis nodded "yeah, I'll be alright"

"Okay just be careful yeah Lou, come to one of us, if you need a break." Liam said. "Yeah no worries.." Louis replied.


There were a few songs left but Louis did feel worse and worse by every passing minute. He didn't want to ask for a break, he just wanted it to be over with. To be backstage, so he could lounge back on a couch and do nothing. Unfortunately for him that plan did go sideways.

"Maybe we should take a small break?" This time it was Niall who spoke up about it. Looking at his friend, who was looking down, not singing with any of the songs. "Yeah I agree.." Liam muttered. "You good, Lou?" Zayn asked. Walking over to him. "Dizzy.." is all he replied. "Okay yeah, let's get you backstage for a moment. Come on.." Liam said, taking his friend to the backroom. Until suddenly Louis his hand shot over his mouth, doubling over. "Liam.. toilet now." Harry shouted very alert. Liam pushed louis towards the toilet in the dressing area, which was only one door down. Louis immediately threw up when he came there. "It's alright Lou, get it all out." Liam muttered softly. Holding him steady as he was heaving, not seeming to catch a break in between.

"Is he okay Li?" Niall called out form the other side of the door. "He is getting there." He answered his bandmate.

"You're okay. You're doing good.. try to breath mate." Liam tried to instruct and reassure Lou. Finally after felt like an hour, which was in reality only a few minutes. He finally took a breath of air, swallowing thickly. "I don't feel good Li.." He rasped, voice rough. "I can only imagine Lou, I tell them to cancel the rest of the rehearsal. You need to rest." Liam answered him, pity was heard in the tone of his voice.

Liam opened the door, one arm around Louis his middle, guiding him out. They were immediately met with the worried faces of their fellow bandmates.

Louis however stood abruptly still out of nowhere, not walking another step. "Lou?" Liam asked questionably. Louis shook his head, hands trembling. The sounds around him were beginning to fade away. This never happened before, something was wrong he thought. He needed to tell someone, anything. But no sound made it past his lips. It was as if his body didn't listen to him anymore. And it scared him shitless. His hand reached blindly towards the person who was standing besides him. His sight slowly fading away, feeling the earth beneath his feet slowly disappearing.

"I think its better to sit him down Li.." Harry said, looking his bandmate up and down in worry. "Lou, come on, sit down." Liam said. "He looks very unsteady." Harry commented. "Lou, can you still hear us?" Niall asked. "I think he is going to-.." but it already happened before Zayn could even finish his sentence.

His eyes rolled back, body giving in. Liam stumbled two steps, laying him down softly on the ground. "He looks as white as a ghost man." Niall commented. Liam nodded, "he does."

"Come on, Lou try and come back to us." Harry said softly. "Niall, can you maybe get us some water?" He asked, looking over to the blond friend. Who already nodded, walking away in a hurry. Searching for his a water bottle.

A groan escaped Louis his lips, eyelids fluttering. Everything seemed hazy around him and he had no clue what just happened. "Good, open your eyes if you can." He heard someone say. Struggling a bit, closing them when the bright light entered his eyesight. Opening them again, this time very slowly. He tried to look around to see where he was, but everything was still so blurry. "Very good, Lou. You just fainted but your alright, Liam got you in time before you fell." He heard someone explain.

"Feel weird.." Louis muttered, very slowly. "Does anything hurt?" Harry asks. Louis shook his head just the tiniest bit, barely noticeable. "You feel dizzy?" Liam asked. "Yeah.." he answered.

"Just keep laying down for a few more minutes, to get your surroundings straight again." His bandmate instructed him. "What happened?" Louis asked after some time, his colour already returning on his cheeks. "You passed out." Harry spoke up. "Oh.."

"You feel ready to sit up?"
"Think so.." Louis answered. Harry and Liam both held an arm to hold him steady. Letting go when he was sat up.

Louis held hand over his eyes. Breathing uneven. "Sorry, got dizzy for a small second." He said, pulling his hand away from his face. "No worries. I just messaged Paul, he is coming. He will also cancel the rest of the rehearsal he said." Niall spoke up. "Thanks Ni.." Louis spoke softly. "Not a problem Lou, our main priority is you now."

"What the hell happend?" Paul said as soon as he approached the boys. "Lou got sick and passed out after." Harry informed him. Paul crouched down in front of the boy who looked very tired. "Alright, I'll get you checked by our emergency doctor here, rehearsal will be canceled. Time to take a chill day for today." Paul informed. Helping Louis stand up. "Thank you Paul." Liam said, which he got a kind smile of in return from Paul. "Let's go and take a rest, I'll bring him to you after his check up." He informed the other four boys. They nodded "Feel better Lou.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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