Niall and Zayn Stomach Flu - Request

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a/n Got this request in august, here it finally is. Hope you enjoy.

Sorry for not posting anything for so long. Life got the best of me, but on a brighter note I published my first book on Amazon. It's called Falling for you - a murder mystery mixed with romance.

Another part coming soon!

Liam POV
It was always dreadful starting out the morning around here. There was always something going on every single day of our lives now. No more getting days off and just relaxing. No, there was always something expected from us.

Immediately feeling bad when I walked to Niall his bunk. Seeing as he is curled up, shivering. Sighing, this was going to be a long day. "Ni come on, wake up bud.." I whispered, shaking him gently. He rolled over and moaned in discomfort. "Not yet." He murmured. "I am sorry ni, but you really have to get up and get ready. What is wrong, what hurts?" I ask him.

"My stomach is hurting so bad Li..." he whispered back. "Well let's just at least get up so I can get you some stomach relaxers yeah?" "Yeah okay." He finally agreed, sitting up, hands rubbing up and down his face. I decided that that was my cue to go the next bunk. "Harold.." I murmured. His eyes openend and smiled. "Already heard you li, will be out in a sec." He said. Smiling gratefully towards him, looking up, seeing Louis walking towards me. "We have a small problem li.." he said. "What? What's wrong?" "Zayn said he isn't feeling well." He said back.

"Oh not Zayn too.." I sighed. "What do you mean? You also sick Harry?" Louis asked, now turning towards Harry. "No I am not Lou.."

"Ni said his stomach was hurting, he was shivering in his bunk." I simply stated. "So.. two sickies today?" Louis groaned. "Afraid so.."

Paul decided to make an appearance at that exact moment. "Hello boys, ready for breakfast?" He asks, looking at the boys one by one. Or at least from the few that were up on their feet. "Zayn and Niall are sick Paul." I said to him. A sigh escaped his lips "How sick are we talking about li?"    "Niall said that his stomach was hurting, shivering to. Zayn I don't know yet, Lou checked on him." I explained.

"Zayn his stomach was also hurting, didn't look feverish though." Louis spoke up for Zayn. "Well this is not a good timing for this boys. We have a schedule to follow for the next few days. We can't cancel anything, management would lose it." Paul says. "Fuck.. and now?" I cuss. "Maybe just get some meds in them, I'll meet you all at the breakfast table so I can tell you all the schedule for today. Afraid they have to power through for today." He said. Flashing us one last smile, before exiting the bus.


(Continuing from Liam's POV)
"I don't know about you Li, but they both look like they could drop dead at our feet right now." Louis says, voice small to me. "I know, but there is not much we can do about that Lou." I sigh.

Paul was already waiting for us, his smile quickly dropped when he saw Niall and Zayn walking behind us. We all took place at our seats. "How are you both feeling?" He asks. Niall shrugged his shoulders, he looked sweaty, no doubt running a small fever.
Zayn looked up to Paul, winching as a pain shot through his stomach. "Have you both taken meds?" Paul asks. "Yeah we did." Niall replied, voice almost to quiet for anyone to hear. "Can't we skip Paul?" Zayn said, looking at him with das eyes.

A sigh escaped Paul his lips, shaking his head. "I am sorry, there is nothing that can be done."


3rd person POV
That evening the concert didn't went great at all. They had a day filled with interviews. Niall and Zayn felt miserable though everything. Barely answering any questions. Trying to drown themselves into the cushions, as if they weren't there at all.

Liam looked over to where Niall was now bend over, and he didn't recall that move ever being in the choreograph that they had practiced months ago. He walked over to him, hand on his back, leaning down. "You okay Ni?" He asks in his ear. He shook his head in response, hand over his mouth, shaking all over. "Okay let's get you backstage." Liam mutters, helping him. Guiding to the crew backstage who would help him further while he walked back out.

He saw Louis and Zayn sitting down on a ramp. He walked over to them. "Everything okay here?" Liam asks. "Just taking a small break from standing and jumping." Zayn smiled. "Where's Ni? I noticed you going backstage with him?" Louis asked me. Harry was distracting the crowd which they were all very graceful for. Joking with them was one of the best things he could do.

"Ni was going to throw up it looked like." Liam explained. "Fucking hell, they should have canceled these bloody interviews. So they could both rest for this concert." Louis cussed. "Tell me about it mate." Liam sighed.

Niall made his reappearance, walking over to the other three, head down. "Everything okay?" Louis aka immediately. He shook his head. "I threw up, stomach is still rolling around but I had to get back out here they said."

"This is unbelievable." Louis muttered. "Head up Lou, day is almost over. We can almost get back in bed and sleep." Liam said, giving him a pat on the shoulder before standing up and walking over to Harry with a smile on his face. As of nothing ever happened.

Not edited - not looked over

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