Harry Stomach bug

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a/n First chapters are up for 'To capture his heart L.S' yaayyyy
I'm so exited to start this new story and journey. Hope you will all Check it out and love it as much as I do. :) (its a Larry fiction)

Btw sorry that it's been a while I know :(
I will be going on a camping trip with my family so No new updates for 1,5 week.


3rd person POV

Liam heard retching coming from the bathroom, quickly making my way to where the sound was coming from.

Harry was throwing his guts up in the toilet in front of him. It sounded proper painful too.

"Oh haz" Liam murmured, taking his place behind Harry. His hand was making cirkels up and down his back. While the other hand helt some curls out off his face.
Liam sighed, up on feeling the temperature on his forehead, Harry definitely had a fever.

Harry finally seemed to catch a break, standing stil doubled over, his hands on his knees, regaining his breath back.
"That's it, just breath for a moment mate" Liam said in a soft voice.
" m good" Harry said after some time, his voice raw and scratchy.
"Okay, Lets get you over to the couch, we were planning on watching a film." Liam said while guiding his ill friend back to the couch where the other boys were already waiting for them.

"Finally what took you both so long, we have been waiting for ages" Louis sassed.
"What's wrong" Niall said, looking at the both of us.
"Found Harry throwing up in the bathroom" Liam said.
"Is he ok?" Louis said frowning, now more concerned for his band mate.
"Think so right haz?" Liam said turning his question to Harry.
Harry nodded before laying down on the couch on the far right. So he could curl up in the corner with all the pillows.

"What hurts haz?" Niall said.
Harry shrugged, rubbing his belly tiredly.
Niall watched him with cautious eyes, until his eyes meet Liam's, waiting for some answers.

"I felt a fever earlier, figure it is just a stomach bug" Liam said.
Niall nodded, while Louis came in with some medicine and a glass of water, handing it to Harry. Who took it with a grateful look on his face.

"Lets just put on a movie and we'll see how he progresses." Liam said.
Louis and Niall nodded.
Harry his eyes were already slightly drooping from exhaustion.
"Don't fight it Haz, if you wanna sleep then sleep" Louis said, taking in the appearance of his friend.
Harry nodded, eyes already closing in to a restless sleep.

The movie played for almost a hour before Harry woke up, feeling extremely nauseous.
The movie was set on pause and a bucket was handed to him. Liam already picked it up, just in case things like this would happen.

Harry stared in to the bucket, feeling his stomach turn in circles inside.
"Don' wanna" he said, a sob left his lips. His fever was definitely messing with his emotions.
"I know, I know. But it will be over before you know it yeah" Liam chirped in, laying his hand on his back.
"Yeah haz you will be okay, we're here. Were not leaving" Louis said in a soft tone, like he was speaking to a little kid. In this scenario, Harry was a little kid.
Louis tucked a loose curl behind his ear, Harry was crying now, his hands shaking.
"Here haz, let me hold it up" Niall said, taking the bucket from Harry his hands to held it up for him instead, seeing his shaky hands.
Liam shot Niall a grateful smile.

Harry gagged, shaking his head.
"Come on you can do it"
"The faster it will be over"

He began to throw up, ugly sobs leaving his lips in between the gags. He felt like he could hardly breath at all.
"Your okay, your okay"
"Almost over"

When Harry finally could breath, he felt like his world was spinning. He lent in Liam and Louis' hold. "Wow Harry careful" Liam said, gripping him tightly.
"Dizzy" Harry whimpered.
"Okay that's okay, take a moment mate" Louis said.

"I think it's best that you are going back to bed, after you drink some water" liam said.
Niall came back with a clean bucket and a bottle of water, hearing what Liam said from the kitchen.
"Thanks" Liam said, handing Harry the bottle.
"Try slow sips" Louis said.
And Harry did just that, drinking a few slow sips before he gave the drink away again.

"That's good, let's get you to bed now" Liam said.
Louis and Liam guided a very exhausted and sick Harry back to his bed. A bucket was set beside him.

"I'll go watch him, make sure he is okay" Louis said, climbing on top of the duvet on the other side of the bed.
Liam nodded back, "well shout if you need anything"
"Will Do"


a/n should I make a part 2 on this?

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