Louis Food poisoning

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a/n sorry for not uploading an story yesterday, wasn't really feeling my best mentally, that's also why this is shorter than normal :/

Didn't know how to end this one, but still happy with the result.

Will change the cover of this book soon yayy

Louis POV

"Lads I swear this food is the best" I say exited, already eating a new mouthful.

We were in the middle of our North America world tour. So far it's been amazing, the fans were incredible, every show was sold out. We truly have the best time right now, for once everything felt right. Like a switch that just clicked.

We did our best to behave but were still teenage lads. Everything was an constant mess, our stuff was laying everywhere.

Right now we were eating at some restaurant we've never heard off.

"This is so delicious" Niall said with his mouthful.
"Right ni, don't talk with food in your mouth" Liam said, scolding him like a father would with an certain tone in his voice.
Harry and I chuckled at the interaction between the two.
Niall simply chewed his food and sticking his tong out right after.

After we've eaten all of our own foods, it was time too head back to the hotel.
Tomorrow was a free day for the first time in weeks. We were all really happy and we finally could catch on some sleep that we missed.
We were planning on doing absolutely nothing all day, just relaxing together. Maybe watching a movie at some point or show, but the main thing was sleep.

My tummy started to hurt suddenly when we walked to the van. I laid my hand on top of it, unsure off that Someone saw.

Taking an seat beside Liam, Niall and Harry sitting behind us.
The drive towards the hotel would only be 20 minutes but I don't know if I could last that long.

I groaned, moving in my seat, trying to find an comfortable place, but it didn't really seemed to work.
Suddenly I felt really nauseous, closing my eyes, trying to take deep breaths. I didn't wanna be sick, not now. And what even made me this sick so fast? I've never really had anything like this before.

I absolutely dreaded to be sick, ever since I was a child.

"Lou seriously are you okay?" Liam said, placing his hand on my shoulder.
Jumping in fright, looking at him confused.
"We've been calling you name mate, what's wrong?" Liam said.
I could practically feel the concerned glances from Niall and Harry from behind me, staring at me.
"Just feel sick"
"Like in sick sick or just sick?" Harry them chirped in.
"Like Throwing up" I stated, right now I definitely was worrying them.
"Since when?"
"I don't know, just a few minutes ago"
"Maybe your carsick, you ever had that?"
I shrugged back, "maybe when I was a child once" I said uncertain.
"Ni can you give me a bag just in case" Liam said, glancing back at Niall. Who was just staring white eyes the whole time. Not sure what he would do in situations like these.

"Thanks" Liam said after receiving some bag from an unlabeled store.
"If you need to throw up, don't hold it in okay" Liam said, his brown friendly eyes fixed on mine.
I nodded absently, the feeling only increasing.

I suddenly clammed an hand over my mouth, looking with panicked eyes in his brown ones, looking for any comfort.

"Alright, lou here is the bag, your gonna be okay, but you gotta let it happen yeah?" He said, giving me the bag.
Leaning now over it, breathing heavily.
Dry heaving, shaking my head.
"Lou its alright, your gonna be okay. You feel better after, promise. And you know that I don't ever break a promise" he said, while rubbing my back.

And then the gagging started.

Liam POV

Seeing Lou like this really reminds me of when I was young. Being scared to throw up. It was one thing that I absolutely hated, and I acted just like Lou. Trying so hard to hold everything in, which made it all a lot worse.

Looking sympathetically at him, gagging and sobbing in between.
Rubbing his back, whispering sweet nothings to him.
I glanced at the back to see how those other two were doing.
Harry seemed alright, his eyes full of concern fixed on his band mate. Not knowing really what to do.
Niall was looking out of the window, really hard to block out the sounds and smell. I knew that he wasn't really good when people were sick.

I saw Lou taking in an deep breath, still leaned over.
"You think your done yet?" I asked carefully.
He nodded back, trying to stop the tears from falling, biting his lips.

Soon the van came to a stop right in front of the hotel.
I was practically guiding Louis inside, he was still slightly shaking from the whole thing that happend just a few minutes ago.


We were all watching an movie that Niall had putt on, I kept glancing at Louis. I knew thanks wasn't just car sick, his hand was still on his tummy, face screwing up in pain every few minutes that passed.

When he suddenly stood up and basically bolted to the bathroom, I knew that it wasn't going to be good, and I was right.

Stepping in the dim lighted bathroom, seeing Louis on his knees in front of the toilet, breathing heavily above it.
I immediately went to sit behind him, without even questioning it.

Keeping his damp hair from his sweaty forehead, while he was gagging, not much food was even left at his tummy.

When he was done he leaned back in me, energy used up.
"Woah Lou" I said, keeping him steady.
He closed his eyes, groaning.
"Lou I don't think your just car sick, when did you started to feel this bad?" I asked softly.
"After we ate" he mumbled.
"I think you might have food poisoning or something, maybe your meat wasn't cooked right"
He hummed back in response.
"Lets get you back to bed" I said while hosting him up, keeping him steady while we walked slowly together towards the other two lads.
I was really glad that they hadn't followed us into the bathroom as well.

They were sitting on the bed, watching us with narrowed eyes.
"I think Lou has food poisoning, not just car sick" I said to them, helping Lou lay down under the covers. His eyes already closing, wanting nothing more then just sleep.

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