Niall Fainted

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a/n I'm back today with this new one :)

Need some new ideas, comment them down please xx

This is a shorter one but I really like it.

Also going to pre-write some, so I can post some new ones way quicker then now. Hoping to write more tomorrow in the car.


Niall POV

The interview seemed to drag on and on. And I honestly began to feel very tired. The lack of sleep finally catching on.

We were so busy promoting the new album, going from interview to interview, with almost no breaks in between.
It was already 5 o'clock and I had honestly no idea which interview this was on this day. It surely felt like a hundred passed by already.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked around and saw Harry looking at me with his eyes brows furrowed. "She asked you a question" he said.
"Oh sorry, what was it again" I said, turning back around to the girl who gave the interview.
I felt extremely bad for her, she was a nice girl and didn't ask to many questions that we already have answered a million times. She was trying her best and I just blew it.

"A fan on Twitter asked, 'what is your favorite thing about Ireland?' " she said.
I answered the question with all honesty, and tried to make up for my mistake just seconds ago.

The interviewster asked a few more question before I started to feel lightheaded suddenly. I questioned to myself, when I ate for the last time? Did I gene had something to eat yet today or ate a little snack of some sort?

I just had to make it to the end of the interview, then I would be good and grab something to eat quick, just need to hold on for a few more moments.
A few more moments was all I asked to myself.
A few more moments to hold on for something to eat.
Just a few more moments...

I saw black spots dance around my vision and I knew that it was way too soon. This wasn't just a few more moments, this was now. It was happening, I could feel all senses kinda fade. Sounds didn't register in my mind anymore, everything sounded far away, like I was underwater or something.

This feeling was scary, the pre-moments before you really start to fall. Like you are in the unknown about what is going to happen. Is this was fainting feels like?

The black sports increased and so did the dizzy feeling, I was desperately trying to steady myself somehow. Like I was going to anker myself in this particular chair.
But my efforts were soon forgotten because all I could feel and see was darkness, taking me, swallowing me under.

Liam POV

I saw Niall fidget more and more. I didn't think he knew that he was even doing it, his eyes looked cloudy, like he wasn't even here with us in this interview.

Suddenly his hands grabbed the sides of the chair tight, like white knuckle tight.
Something was wrong, something was definitely wrong.

My thoughts soon got confirmed. He practically fell face first on the floor.

Everyone froze, not really expecting anything, or not knowing what to do.
I quickly stood up and kneeled beside him, shaking him slightly. Also turning him around on his side, into recovery position.

"What happend?" Harry asked, now also coming Bessie me.
Louis seemed to snap out of his trance as well, seeing him come to us.
The interviewster of course shut off the cameras and said that she will delete the footage of him falling, also that she will cut it short and then walked out of the room, leaving to get someone.

"I have no idea what happend, he proper fainted" I said back. Taking his pulse, which was beating strong.
"I'll go get a water bottle" Louis said Before standing up to the hallway.
"Do I need to get help" Harry asked, his green eyes looking concerned.
"No need, she was already on that job" I said back.
Paul came walking into the room.
"What happend, the interviewster just got me and told me that someone fell or something, she was in proper distress" Paul said. Already reaching us and kneeling beside me on the left side.
Louis came walking back shortly after with a water bottle.
"We don't know really, he sure has fainted" I said.
"Here I have the water bottle, try and dip some water on his forehead and around his neck. He should wake up shortly after that" Louis said, Remembering what to do in these kind of situations, because of his younger sisters who all fainted at least once in the their life.

"Yeah thanks mate" Liam said, already opening the bottle.
Dropping some water slowly into his hands.
"Come on Ni, wake up" he muttered quietly under his breath.
Everyone was dead silent, watching for any sign from the blond haired mate to waking up.

His eyes rolled under his eyelids and we began to hear quiet grunting.
"That's it"
His eyes slowly openend, his blue piercing eyes looking confused. Probably not knowing why he was laying on his side on the ground.

He made a move to sit up, be we all just gently laid him back down.
"Don't try to sit up yet Ni"
"Yeah, you fainted, take it easy for a bit"

"Fain-d?" Niall mumbled.
"Yeah, but your okay" Louis tried to reassure him.

Niall was more awake after some minutes, we all helped him into a sitting position.
"You okay?"
"Yeah" he nodded back.
"Do you know why you fainted?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "probably lack of food I guess I don't know, it was scary."
"You ever fainted before?"
He slowly shook his head.

"Well your okay though, we got the evening off, so you are going to eat something and just rest up for today." Harry informed Niall, and us at the same time.
We nodded back and helped Niall stand up with a steady hand on his back. We all guided him back towards the bus, Him being still a little wobbly onto his own feet.

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