Louis try's to hide being sick

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a/n Sorry for not updating as much, it's been a busy few days, full of waking up at 6 for work. So I'm a bit tired but hope these little stories are still okay?

Anyways loved writing this one. Its also a bit longer then I normally write yay.

You can leave your ideas in the comments if you want <3


Louis POV

I knew that it was a long day from the moment that I woke up in my bunk. The insides of my stomach were cramping up. I had this awful nausea feeling, that was slowly getting worse with the minutes that passed by. I also felt a headache coming up in the back of my skull, pounding every few seconds.

It was not a good timing to get sick, we had a busy schedule the past few days. Almost late up every night for writing sessions, and the day full off interviews for our new upcoming album and being in the studio. Some photoshoots and signings in between it all.

Yeah it was a busy few weeks, not The time to get sick now. I just have to suck it up and ignore because I can't have this right now. And by the way, as if management will give me a day off just because i'm not feeling well, don't really think so.

Groaning, the alarm went off somewhere in an nearby bunk, probably Liam his bunk. I heard some shuffling and stuff before someone openend my curtain. Blinking my eyes open slowly, making eye contact straight away with Liam his brown ones.

"Morning mate" he said, smiling slightly. "You know the drill, be up in a few minutes for breakfast."
"Yeah" I rasped back. His eyes immediately went back to my face, looking very concerned.
"You Alright?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"
"Your voice is just a little off. S'all" he said.
"No I'm good" I said, trying to convince him.
"You would tell me right?"
"Yeah of course Payno, go on and wake up the others, I'll be there in a few"
"Aright if you say so" he said before walking to the others.

I sighed, great, a bit of a sore throat. Just what we needed on the list.
I heard the others coming out of their bunks, so I just grabbed my phone to seem busy. My curtain was still half open so anyone could see me. But if I appeared busy, they wouldn't necessarily talk to me at this early hour of the day.
Besides I was waiting for them to be all gone before I was even going to try to stand up.

I was all alone after 10 minutes, deciding that it was now a good time to come out of the bunk and make myself ready or at least make myself a little presentable.

I saw black spots dance around my vision for a few seconds and I really needed to hold on to the bunk because of the sudden dizziness when I stood just up.

Only now remembering how nauseas I really was.
I decided to make some kind of sprint to the bathroom, locking myself inside. Turning on the shower so they couldn't here my gags when they came.
And they came very fast, first a few dry gags before I vomited everything up what I ate from the last 24 hours.
I was shaking like a leaf. It hurt, it hurt a lot, my throat already was hurt and dry, so it burned a lot with every new wave.
Finally I could catch a break, plopping down in front of the toilet seat, breathing still heavy.

Standing back up, brushing my teeth, turning off the shower and now just really looking at myself in the mirror.
My hear was sweaty and sticking up on my forehead, I was pale, paler than normal. You could just see the exhausted blink in my eyes. They were almost a grey-ish colour and sudden dull.

The nausea wasn't away just yet, I could still feel it. Still feel the insides of my stomach doing flips. The headache also wasn't away just yet, I just seemed to have forget it during my throwing up fiasco.
My throat hurt a lot, we had a full on studio day today, sighing thinking about how I was going to survive this day. How I was going to survive this day that involved a lot of singing 99% of the time.

Stepping out of the little bathroom, making my way over to the other lads, a little shaky on my legs.

"Hey Lou" Harry greeted, smiling his dimple smile.
Smiling gratefully back. "Hey lads" I rasped out.
"You okay" Niall asked immediately.
"For fuck Sakes, I'm okay" I snapped back, maybe a little to angry.
"Just asking sorry" Niall muttered back, going back to eating his food.
"We are just looking out for you Lou." Harry said harsh back.
"Well there is nothing" I said back in an sarcastic fake tone sounding happy.
"Whatever I'm done with your attitude, come and get me when you are all done and ready to go to the studio" Harry said before standing up and walking away towards the lounge area.
That just left me, Liam and Niall.
Liam was just watching everything silently, trying to figure out A. What's wrong and B. What to do next.

Forcing every bit of food down my throat, to seem okay to the others. It really wasn't helping my nausea.
Finally it was time to leave, Liam walked towards Harry to come and get him to the van who was going to bring us towards the nearby studio here In town.


We all had to sing our parts separately first after recording the instruments for the song that we were working on for quiet some time now. It was turning into a nice song surprisingly.
First up was Harry for the chorus and then Liam, Niall and myself as last.
I wasn't stupid, I had taken some pills for the headache and nausea earlier when no one was around.
I didn't wanted to throw up again and I certainly didn't wanted to throw up in here if I was going to.
Maybe I should have thought about this plan a whole lot better.

Sitting on the couch waiting for my part, my body felt heavy, a little to heavy. Like it was almost impossible to stand up soon if I was going to.
The swirling in my stomach only stopped for a few hours but the pills seemed to wear off. The pounding headache also came back.

Closing my eyes for what seemed like a moment, but was in reality a few minutes apparently.
"Lou hey, Lou" I heard somebody in the far distance.
Forcing my eyes open, news flash bad idea, immediately greeted with intense pain in my head.
I looked up in to green eyes, furrowing my eye brows a bit. Why?

"There you are, thank god" he sighed with relief. My eyes darting around the others, Liam sat beside me and Niall was standing besides Harry.
"Wha- what happend." I groaned out.
"Mate your part was up and you stood up and you just full on fainted backwards."
So that's why I was in an almost laying position on the couch.
"I don't remember" I said quietly back.
"That's alright mate, just please tell me what happens just there. It was Scary to see and we had no idea what was wrong. So just tell me if your not feeling alright yeah" Liam said.
Thunking about telling the truth or to lie once more. Deciding to just go one and tell the truth.
"I just felt like shit all day, from the moment I woke up" I admitted.
"Why didn't you just say anything?"
"Why would I, I mean, as if management was going to give me a day off just because I was sick, didn't think so." I huffed.
They al nodded back in understanding.
"Well how are you feeling now?"
"Like crap"
"Care to explain a little more?"
"I just felt nauseas the whole day, even threw up once in bathroom-"
"hold up, you did what without telling any of us"
"Yeah" I said, looking down in shame before continuing "well anyways I also have this pounding headache and this sore throat that only began to hurt more after I threw up. I already popped in some pills when you all weren't looking when we arrived here. But I guess they began to wear off. And then about the fainting thing that apparently just did, I felt super heavy moments before I was forced to go and sing my part. And it's just one blank space the next." I said, recalling everything from the whole day.

"I still think that your incredible stupid from you for not telling even one of us, but then again it's forgiven because your clearly sick, and you need be looked after." Harry said.
"I'm sorry" I said again.
"Don't be, just please tell at least one of us in the future if your sick" Liam said sternly.
"I think I will take you up on that offer" I said back. Wanting nothing more then just sleep this stupid virus off.
"Alright, Lets just go back to the bus, we were almost done anyways with the song" Liam stated next.
I hummed back, my eyes already wanting to close.

Going back to the bus did seem like very good plan now at the moment. I didn't even know how I ended up back, Someone must have carried me. Not really caring, already falling into a deep sleep.

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